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The Guardians

Kim Namjoon
First hero
Aka Strike
Age: 20
Abilities: Super strong, high stamina, fast healing, expert hand to hand combat

Kim Namjoon{Joon}First heroAka StrikeAge: 20Abilities: Super strong, high stamina, fast healing, expert hand to hand combat

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Kim Seokjin
Aka Heinios
Age: 22
Abilities: shadow manipulation, teleport through the shadows, shadow healing

Min Yoongi {Yoons}First HeroAka SorceryoAge: 21Abilities: Mind control, mind reading, telepathic speaking, empathy, telekinesis, among other things

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Min Yoongi
First Hero
Aka Sorceryo
Age: 21
Abilities: Mind control, mind reading, telepathic speaking, empathy, telekinesis, among other things

Min Yoongi {Yoons}First HeroAka SorceryoAge: 21Abilities: Mind control, mind reading, telepathic speaking, empathy, telekinesis, among other things

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Jung Hoseok
Aka Velocity
Age: 20
Abilities: can run at a fast speed, fast healing, etc..

Jung Hoseok {Hobi}LegacyAka VelocityAge: 20Abilities: can run at a fast speed, fast healing, etc

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