| 17 | The Betrayal

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Omgg I'm sorry y'all. I cant write rn but this book was planned out way before I had this writer block. So slowly these chapters will be coming out!
One day before Christmas Eve

"Evie!" Someone yells out as they jump onto my bed, followed by several other people. I curled up under my blanket and groan loudly. How did this bed not collapse from the sudden weight? I would've imagined it by now the bed would've collapsed but I guess not. "It's snowing! And on the day before Christmas Eve!" Jimin yells out. Snow? I peak out from under my blanket and look out the window. There was snow everywhere. I sit up, throwing my blanket off me and smiling. "Snow!" I yell out at them. Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were sitting on my bed, smiling brightly at me. They had on winter jackets and hats. In their hands were their scarves and gloves.

Yoongi stepped out from our bathroom wearing his winter clothes. He was fixing up his sweater before he looked up at me. "Come on! Get up we are going outside!" Jimin yells out and I laugh. "Alright! Alright!" I say to him, getting off my bed and rushing to the closet. I grab a pair of thick tights, black jeans, and my black long sleeve shirt. I rush to the bathroom, changing into the outfit before rushing back out. Jungkook, who was now sitting on my saucer chair, was holding up my snow boots up with a smile.

"Thank you very much kind sir." I say, grabbing them from his hands. I grab a pair of long fuzzy socks, sliding them on before stepping into my boots. Yoongi stood by the closet, staring at me with a soft look. "Can you pass me my puffer jacket?" I ask him and he nods. He reaches for my puffer jacket and hands it to me. Jimin and Taehyung got down from my bed and rushed out the room. I laugh softly at their excitement, they're so adorable. Jungkook gets up from the chair hands me my phone before rushing out the room too.

Yoongi stood next to me, sighing softly. "I hate the cold, come on." He says, grabbing my hand, pulling me out our room and locking it. When we walked out there were students everywhere, all of them excited for the snow. The school was buzzing with excitement. I understand why, it's snowing the day before Christmas Eve. I guess we're having a white Christmas. There were tables set up with all kinds of snacks along with hot chocolate, tea and coffee. Wow these people really like snow don't they.

"They're providing us with gloves and scarfs." Yoongi says as we walked towards a table that's closer to the entrance. Scattered along the tables were gloves and scarfs of all colors and materials. The both of us reached for the black fluffy gloves. I let out a giggle. "It's okay, you can have them I'll take these." He says while reaching for the dark navy gloves. I nod, grabbing the gloves and putting them on. We made our way towards the main exit, the chatter and laughter of other students becoming louder.

When we stepped outside there was snow along the floor, people talking and laughing amongst, even some of them having a snowball fight. Whose having a snowball fight at this time? It's too early for that. "CATCH!" Someone yells at us and I look ahead. Namjoon stood there, his arm extended out towards us and a wide smile on his face.

Jungkook and the others appeared behind him, all of them laughing. I look over to my right where Yoongi was wiping off snow from his face. "Damn he really got yo-" before I could finish my sentence I felt a harsh sting on my cheek as if something cold and hard hit my face. "You fuckers." I say, wiping the snow off my face while turning to the boys. This time Jin had his arm extended out and was laughing loudly.

"Oh it's on!" I yell out, picking up snow and packing it into a snowball.  The others followed quickly, grabbing snow and packing it together. Rose was the first to throw it, hitting Jin right in the chest. All of us erupted into a large "OHHH" as we ran from each other. Yoongi seemed to be targeting me, aiming his snowball everywhere I went. "Eh! Unfair!" I yell out, running away from him. He lets out a laugh as Hobi joined him in chasing me.

Somehow Yoongi caught up to me, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me towards him. But that didn't end well. We fell to the ground together, with him landing on his stomach and me landing on my back. Hobi stood above us, smiling down at us while holding two snowballs. Yoongi turned around and let out a gasp. "Traitor." He says before Hobi dropped the snowballs on us. I let out a gasp as one of the cold snowballs falls onto my face. I sit up and shake my head, shaking off the snow. My hands immediately went to face and tried to warm it up. "That was cold Hobi." I hear Jungkook says and I nod, looking around for him. He was chasing Audrey around and behind him was Daniel and Rose chasing him.

"SNOW BALL FIGHT!" Namjoon yells out, grabbing a snow and packing it. "RUUUNNNN!" Jin yells out as Namjoon gets ready to throw the now packed snowball. Yoongi and I immediately stood up and run off. Namjoon could probably knock us out with a snowball, if he wanted to. He probably won't, hopefully but that doesn't mean it won't hurt getting hit by a snowball from the super strength boy. That's just a bruise happening. No thank you. "DUCK!" Someone yells out and I didn't know they were talking to Yoongi and I. Cause suddenly something hits our backs as we fall forward right into the fluffy cold snow. I raised my head from the cold snow, gasping loudly. "NAMJOON!" I yell out, standing up as I grabbed some snow and packed it.

He freezes in his spot, his arm up and ready to throw another snow ball as looks at me with wide eyes. "Uhhh sorry!" He yells out, dropping the snow ball and running off. I run after him, aiming the snow ball at him and throwing it. But before giving it a strong push with some air. The snowball hit Namjoon, making him fall into the snow as well. "Damn that snowball had a kick to it!" Jungkook yells out, all of us watching Namjoon stand up and shake the snow off his face. "The betrayal Evie, that was cold." Namjoon says, grabbing snow once again. Oh shit. "Run Evie."

Four hours later

"That was nice." Audrey says, cuddling up to Daniel. "It was very nice. We should do it again tomorrow!" Lisa says happily, all of us saying yea. "What is happening tomorrow?" Jennie asks, looking around. We were in the freshmen game room, sitting on the couches with blankets on us. "I actually don't know they haven't told us anything." Namjoon says. "I wonder if they even do anything cause nothing is decorated." I say, taking in the Christmas bare room. "Imagine we walk out the room and we just see a bunch of Christmas decoration putting themselves up" Daniel jokes and we all laugh, our laughs slowly stopping when we hear a bunch of thuds. "There's no way." Yoongi whispers.

I stood up from my spot, rushing towards the door. From the noise behind me it sounds like they too got up and are following after me. When I opened the door and made my way out we finally go to see what was making all the noise. Like Daniel said jokingly, there was Christmas decorations making it way to their spots by themselves, floating and flying around. "What the fuck!" We all yell out together. The decorations looked over at us, stopping for a moment before continuing what they were doing.

We watched as a herd of decorations flew right at us in a very quick manner. "DUCK!" A voice yells at us and we did, all of us ducking as the decorations flew right above us. When they were all in the room we stood up and looked inside. The game room was now decked out with Christmas decorations. Wow, it's almost like this school is alive. "I'm going to go eat." Jin says, slightly pushing through us and making his way to the lunch room. "..yea let's go eat." Namjoon says.

As we walked down the hallway my eyes couldn't leave the decorations that were zooming past us in a hurry manner. "They're working hard." I say out loud. We made our way to the cafeteria which was decorated with Christmas decorations, some of the tables were pushed together with tables cloths on them. There was even red and green streamers coming down from the roof. It gave the whole room a nice homey feeling, it was nice. There were people in here, chatting and eating together. "And they work fast." Yoongi says and I nod, agreeing with him. "Hurry up and get your food guys." Namjoon says. "Come on."

Okay super late I'm sorry 😭

Enjoy this I'll be dropping more soon


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