Scene 2 - The Village

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The lights begin brightening up. The family are left to the side as they watch. The Prisoner begins to wake up carefully. The first then he does is gets up, before quickly realizing that he still has this sheet of paper, which seems like it's keeping him alive. He still holds it tightly. And the entire world around him was different. A vast variety of people walk behind, minding their day jobs as they rush from side to side to side to side. The Prisoner stares around for a while, looking around before running out of his space. Bemused and confused at where he is. A girl walks from stage left.

The Girl:

Morning. Lovely day.

The Prisoner:


The Girl:

I said lovely day.

The Prisoner:

Yes. Where am I?

The Girl:

The Village.

The Prisoner:

What Village?

The Girl:

There is only one Village. Lovely day sir.

She then departs over to the other side of the stage. Once all the ensemble from behind freeze, two more chairs in from stage right are used when a drunken man, a young woman and the waitress. The Prisoner runs around behind them.

The Prisoner:

What's the name of this place?


You're new here, aren't you?

The Prisoner:



Do you want breakfast?

The Prisoner:

What's the name of this place.


The Village. I'll see if coffee is ready.

The Prisoner:

Where is the nearest police station?


There isn't one.

The Prisoner:

Can I use your phone?


We haven't got one.

The Prisoner:

Where can I make a call?


Well there's a phone box around the corner.

The Prisoner:

Thank you.

He storms over to the opposite side of the stage. He stands in this physicalized human box where the people standing around reach their arms nice and tall around him. One of them shouts "RING RING".

Phone box:

Number please.

The Prisoner:

What exchange is this?

Phone Box:

Number please!

The Prisoner:

I want to make a call to...

Phone Box:

Number please!

The Prisoner:

I haven't got a number!

Phone Box:

No number, no call. BEEP!

Over on the other corner, the couple begins gossiping about the strange man on the other side, frozen in a neutral tableau.


That strange man seems to making quite a fuss over there.


Well... It's his first day here! And he is going to love it!


Perhaps he doesn't make so much drama out of it then we will all get along much better.




Oh, goodness gracious, if you would just sit quietly dear chap. What is the matter?


I've just realized who that guy is! He's the one who took the XK3 paper report!


In English please dear fellow?


He's worked at this service and he got me fired the other day!


Come to think of it, why were you brought here?




Yes. And you've had a few too many whisky bottles I might add dear chap. As a matter of fact, we were all brought here for some purpose. For some odd reason. Oh, young man?

The Prisoner has now fallen out of his neutral tableaux and goes over to the others.

The Prisoner:



I may have an answer to all your problems dear fellow.

The Prisoner:

Now I might be getting somewhere.


If you just head on over there then we will be able to catch the next cabby and you will arrive at the next stop.

The Prisoner:

Good. That should be easy enough.


Now run along, run along. The sooner you get yourself sorted out the better.

The Prisoner then leaves stage left.

And good riddance to that fellow. And he will get quite a nasty surprise in the Green Dome.

The Prisoner: Parallel ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now