Scene 8 - Locked Up

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The spotlight has vanished out of its place. Nowhere was now safe. The two guards held Charlotte hostage and see him return out. The Prisoner then runs out stage right again.

Guard 1:

There he is! Catch him!

Guard 2:

He must not escape!

Guard 1 then runs off to stage right again.

Alright then girl, just wait until the Supervisor gets his hands on you!


It's alright. He hasn't got a chance now! The trap is set.

Guard 2:

As in, the plan has worked accordingly?


Every single detail. Now, if you release me.

Guard 1 rushes back out.

Guard 1:

Seems like the plan has worked accordingly. One question, why has he come back?


The information. The document he has.

Guard 1:

Well, shall we?

They then all depart to stage right.

The Waitress runs on from stage left to deliberately drop the paper down on the floor, leaving it towards stage left. Then, she quickly hurriedly rushes back to stage left. Moments later, the Prisoner dashes from stage left again, he spots the paper. He can't seem to reach it for some reason. A sound effect of a slamming prison door locks him in! He rises and rushes next to the wings, desperately trying to open the vault-like door.

The Prisoner:


The Supervisor enters proudly from stage right, smug and hands behind his back. He bends down and collects the paper, waving it in front of him in his cell which the Prisoner mines.

The Supervisor:

I believe this is what you are looking for my dear fellow.

The Prisoner:


The Supervisor:

Well, well, it seems like you really are a prisoner now old chap.

He seems to be trying to break out of the cell, mining as he tries and yanks the bars.

The Prisoner:

Let me out! LET ME OUT!

The Supervisor:

You see chum, we are doing you a favour here. The penalty would be most severe if it was your local authorities. You should have taken the paper with you. You are getting rather careless these days, aren't you?

The Prisoner:

I should have escaped, come back, wiped this place off the face of the Earth, obliterated it, and then you with it!

The Supervisor:

Ha ha! Then you should have taken the document with you. Now, they are mine. Another file to be added to your information. And what a most intriguing case we have here.

The Waitress, the two Guards, the Driver, the Drunk, Charlotte, The Girl all enter from stage right, slowly walking over and examining him. Charlotte is smiling - she knows what she has done.

And all of you played your part in capturing him superbly. And you, Charlotte, were magnificent.


Thank you, Supervisor.

The Prisoner:

YOU! YOU! You backstabbing little worm!


Be seeing you.

She leaves without another word off to stage right again.


Please enjoy your stay here, dear chap.

The Prisoner:

What do you want?



The Prisoner:

You won't get it!

The Supervisor approaches, staring closely directly face to face.


By hook or by crook, we will! Alright, you may leave.

The others then exit to stage right again. It is just the Supervisor and the Prisoner, except the family that have been watching from the side. The music starts.


Well kids, now you know why you should never defy the laws of the Village!


Oh boy, can we go up to the guy and take some pictures of it?


Well, I don't see why not Marcus. Is that allowed honey?


Ah, sure!


I want to see him go berserk and try to escape from his cell.


Come on everybody, this way.

They follow their father over to the miming Prisoner for his cell. The Supervisor stands over, observing him as the Prisoner yanks on the cell. The family then all arrive.


Who on earth is this guy?


Now we're here we have the typical aggressive male, captured in his little cell for good. Just look at its stupid antics.

He still aggressively yanks on the cell. The family begin laughing at him, making the Prisoner yank harder. Marcus mimes taking a photo of the Prisoner on his phone.


And what is this, Supervisor?


Typical aggressive male, one only interested in himself and his greed. Determined to be a lone wolf and breaking the rules and traditions of our society here.


And he is to be put away for good?


Correct. Nothing else worth seeing here.


Alright then. Come along everybody, you too boy!

They then leave stage right. It is just the Supervisor and the Prisoner again.


Goodbye, old chum. Hope you enjoy your stay here. You should know now that nobody escapes from the Village. Be seeing you.

The Supervisor continues laughing as he departs over to stage right. The Prisoner then throws himself down on the floor, a man in ruins. The end of the music will be the end of the play.


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