Chapter 1

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"There will never be a day when you are not with me, I will never forget you."She kissed the top of her head gently, looked at her baby's smile and whispered

"Good bye, noon." Noon stretched her arms and cooed for her mum but she never got what she wanted........

The door slammed shut behind her.

Chapter 1

-16 years later-

"Hey noon, look what the cat dragged in."Miranda said.

It was Jason the guy that noon had an extremely big crush on; every dream she had he never seized to be including every picture she had drawn there was some reference to him in it.

"Sir, can I sit there next to," he looked at my exercise book, "Noon?"

"Jason field, you know the rules girls sit next to girls and boys sits next to boys, opposite sexes have any physical or verbal contact with each other is forbidden...."

"Stupid law if you ask me," Jason mumbled.

"Sorry what was that Mr Field would you like to share it with the whole class?"

"I was just going to tell you that your zippers stuck, sir." everyone burst into laughter.

"Jason fields, principals office now!"

"Jason fields, what is your offence?"

"principal, I merely asked to sit next to a girl and I told sir that his zipper was stuck but he was the one who deliberately made me say it to the whole class." The principal wrote all of this down and put it into a folder called bad reports.

"Well first warning Jason if I hear anything of this sort throughout the week it will lead to serious consequences, do you understand?"

"Yes sir, completely, may I return back to class?"

"Yes you may but remember our rule about contact with opposite sexes."

Jason sat back next to the class clown, Audi lilac.

"Nice try field, you can't run away from me that easily."She had the biggest grin on her face and when the bell rung she blew a kiss to him. He returned it with a cringe, Audi makes him feel so uncomfortable, and like she has knowledge of something he does not.

Hi guys i have finnally updating my new kind of adventure expecting a lot of suspension.Anyways please comment and vote when you read,id really apprecite it.Thanks guys i hope you like it.

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