Chapter 8

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 “I am way too tired; I can’t carry on like this much longer, “Miranda cried, “I can just hear the bed calling my name its saying: lay on me, rest on me and you will be cured.” Noon couldn’t help laughing, Miranda was so dramatic it was just humorous for her.

 “What bed?” Jason asked.

 “Erm…well… ok the trunk of the tree in this case.” That set Jason off laughing too. He was glad than noon and Miranda were here now he didn’t ever have to worry about him being lonely. Especially noon, she always makes me smile… stop Jason you have absolutely no right to take advantage of noon like that, she is just a friend.

 “How about we rest here for the night, it seems comfortable enough for my 2 special ladies.” Noon blushed and quickly covered her cheeks she didn’t want Jason to see her blushing after all they were not courting.

 “If you call me your special lady one more time I will make sure after I’m finished with you your ass is especially red.” Miranda said.

 “Miranda, language please!”

 Jason grinned. “It’s alright noon, I’ve never met a lady as outspoken as miranda are it’s a pleasant new experience for me.”

 “Well in that case your special lady needs her sleep so goodnight.” Miranda said yawning. She was really tired and couldn’t stay up much longer to hear Jason and noon flirting. It made her feel sick!

 Noon was just about to rest her manmade bed made with leaves for a pillow and flowers for the mattress. She had to admire that that it looked stunning so stunning she didn’t want to spoil it by sleeping on it. However she had no choice, it was either this or sleeping on the roots of the tree. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to find Jason.

 “Oh hello Jason, is everything alright?”

 “Yes everything is absolutely fine noon I just wondered if you would like to take a walk with me?” he extended his arm to help her up hoping she would take it.Noon was really tired and would rather sleep but some kind of force moved her hand to take his and help her to stand up.  

 Jason grinned at her but noon yawned, she really didn’t have the energy to grin let alone walk but what could she do? Mother always told her that it was unladylike to reject an invitation unless it was extremely unexpected or sinful. As they were walking Jason was leaving peanuts on the ground in order for them not to get lost. That made noon smile, it reminded her of Hansel and Gretel.

 “So Jason why did you ask to take a walk with me if you weren’t going to try and make conversation?”

 “Oh I apologise noon I’m just a bit nervous I don’t usually take walks with girls.”

 "Well there is always a first time for everything.”

 “Noon, I really am sorry for upsetting you in school.”

 “It’s forgiven and forgotten, I’m a very forgiving person.”

 “Well in that case, you’ll have to forgive me when I do this.”   He leaned in to her, holding her at her hips. For a moment she was in dreamland until all the stuff her mother had taught her came flooding to her mind. She put her finger to his lips.

 “I’ve been taught that a man that kisses ladies on the lips before courting are just plain perverts if you even have the guts to try be that man, I wonder what you’ve been taught.” She walked off leaving Jason to ponder.

 “Oh and by the way I may be forgiving but I’m not stupid.” she walked off, too tired to look back at the old friend she left started to rain then extremely heavily and noon was finding the floor too slippery to walk on so she rested her head in the shade of a tree, tomorrow her and Miranda would go back home and pretend that these past 2 days never happened.

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