Don't Let It Bother You Part 3

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There she was. Standing in front of me in all her glory. The infamous Lauren Jauregui.

"Hey", Lauren said with a nervous smile on her face.

I didn't say anything. I just stared at her blankly. I had so many questions for her but at the same time I had nothing to say to her.

"I just came back to get my stuff, if that's okay with you", Lauren said shakily taking note of my silence.

I didn't reply back to her. I stepped aside and opened the door. Permitting her to come inside.

"Thanks," said Lauren not making any eye contact with me. Making her way up the stairs to our once 'shared' bedroom.

I just stood there by the door. Numb. I didn't know what to make of this. To make of her.

She returned downstairs after a few minutes with a black duffel bag that had her initials stitched to the side of it. I like an idiot still remained at my position by the door. I thought to myself. What the fuck has this girl done to me. I couldn't meet her eyes. I was afraid that if I did I wouldn't be able to contain my emotions. I didn't want to show Lauren my vulnerability anymore. She didn't deserve to know me like that.

"I'll be heading out now", Lauren said.
"It was good knowing you Y/N", she said as she walked passed me, out the door, out of my life.

Lauren's POV

I walked passed Y/N and she didn't say a single word to me. Nor did she make eye contact with me. Wait... why does that matter? I don't need her anymore. I got my Lucy back and that's all that matters.

Y/N was just a pawn in my little game to make Lucy jealous. Lucy always wanted what she couldn't have. When she couldn't have me, she wanted me. I'm happy that my plan worked. Even if it was at the expense of Y/N.

I sat in my TESLA, ready to leave. Then I looked up back at Y/N. Fuck, I really did a number on her. I hope one day she finds someone that loves her, that doesn't hurt her like I did. Someone just loves her in ways I couldn't. Hopefully, someone takes care of the mess I made.


I'm sitting here at this bar alone. Dinah found me standing at my door. Dumbfounded like a literal dumbass that I am. And somehow I still managed to not break down and cry my eyes out. I'm so numb. How could someone be so emotionless and immoral to do someone so dirty. Did all those memories we make together were for nothing? Does she not remember any of it? Did she even feel anything for me? What the fuck? Dinah and a bunch of our friends are dancing their lives away on the dance floor. She dragged me up but I managed to scour my way out and sit at this stupid bar by myself.

"You seem happy", a brunette sarcastically said to me as she  slipped into the seat next to me.

"You have no idea", I responded not looking at her.

"You know it's rude not to look at someone while you speak to them", said the brunette as she took a sip of her drink.

"Really? You should tell that to my ex", I said as I downed my drink. I stood up to walk away when I the brunette grabbed my hand and spun me around to face her.

"I don't think you should be alone, I'm not saying this to have sex with you. I'm saying this because I know what heart break feels like," the brunette looked at me with sorrowful eyes.

"I'm Camila by the way, Camila Cabello," the brunette finally introduced her self.

I was so distracted by her beautiful brown eyes which kinda looked like two big honey pots and how softly she was holding my hand. To reply back to her. The next thing I knew I was being taken to the dance floor.

Look what you made me do Lauren. I'm dancing with a stranger in a night club in LA at 3 in the fucking morning.

Next Morning

I woke up with a killer headache. I don't even remember what happened last night. How did I get home? My fault for getting black out drunk.

What's that smell? Mmm smells like Pancakes? Who would be making pancakes? Wait... who's in my house? It's probably just Dinah, why am I over thinking this?

I woke up in my bra and jeans still on. I decided to take off the jeans and put over a big shirt that I found on the floor. Hm I don't remember buying this shirt though? Maybe it's Lauren's? Oh well

I made my way down stairs following the sweet scent of the pancakes. I almost choked on what I saw in front of me.

"Who are you!?", I said to the brunette who was standing at my stove facing away from me. Not going to lie, I ain't to mad about it though. 

"I am you!", she replied
"No, I'm just joking. I'm Camila we met last night babe", the brunette turned around.

It all started coming back. I remember dancing with her, and then we started kissing, making out to be more specific and then I started crying. Then she  bought me home. I begged her to stay the night because I didn't want to be left alone again. And so we cuddled. Dang she's so sweet and understanding. That she didn't take advantage of me. And now we're here. She's cooking me breakfast in her sexy pink lace lingerie set. Since, I've been with her I haven't been thinking about Lauren as much. Even if it's been a few hours.

"Oh, yeah okay I kinda remember", I say to her.

"My shirt looks real cute on you babe,"Camila says as she plates the Pancakes.

"Thankyou, it's comfy. I like it," I reply back to her. Earning a chuckle from the gorgeous brunette.

"How'd you know i like pancakes?" I asked Camila.

"Who doesn't like pancakes? And you may or may have not mentioned it last night that it was your favourite thing in the whole wide world. I thought why not make them for you," Camila replies with a smug smile on her face.

"You remembered? Wow you're the real package deal aren't you Cabello?" I asked Camila with a smirk plastered on my face. This girl was helping we gain my confidence back. I didn't even know I could still flirt.

"Yes I am, if I were you I'd seal this package deal," Camila responded as she presented my plate in front of me. While giving me a little show of her boobs. Before turning back around to make us some coffee.

"Quit, being a tease Cabello." I said as I rolled my eyes and took a bite of the fluffy pancakes.

Lauren's POV

I woke up this morning only to be met with an empty cold bed. Where could Lucy be this early in the morning? I was disappointed that I didn't get any morning cuddles. When I was with Y/N it was her favourite thing to do when we first got up. Or even unconsciously she would cuddle into me. I kind of wish I had her here right now to give cuddle and love me... What no? What the heck? Why am I thinking about her? Lucy is end game. Right?

Lauren Jauregui / Camila Cabello & You ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now