Chapter Forty-Five: Open Goal

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There was something about waking up with Thomas in his arms that filled him with happiness. They had fallen asleep in each other's arms before, and it had felt good then too, but now... it was different. Now he was waking up with his boyfriend. Seeing as Thomas had already been awake they stayed in bed for a while until they finally decided to get up and get ready for school.

Thomas quickly put on the clean clothes he had worn after the game and he watched as Mark took a pill and then went downstairs. They hastily said goodbye to his parents and off they were to the school.

"Can I... ask you something?" Mark muttered as he started driving.

"Sure," Thomas replied, sending a text to Dean that he didn't need to pick him up this morning.

"Were you upset last night just because of the hickey?"

Thomas stopped texting and he looked up at Mark, ready to answer, but not sure about what to say. He realized the truth was the best option at this point.

"No, I was just –were the things that Jack said true?"

"What things?" Mark asked softly.

"About... you taking pictures of him, and you taking him to the garage, and you two going together to get the flag? I –last night you said to his parents that you saved him and that they were the reason you lost him... does that mean that you still like him? Does that mean that you still want to be with him?"

Mark stayed silent for a moment, thinking everything that Thomas had said through. "I got over my feelings for Ashton a long time ago. Before I met you even. Yes, there was a time when he meant a lot to me. Yes, I do resent his parents for what they did to him. But no, I don't want to be with him anymore. Truth be told, I'm not sure we would have been dating for much longer than we did, even if he hadn't come out". He paused to park and turned to look at Thomas.

There were some other students in the parking lot and, being aware of their presence, he was careful not to reach out to Thomas. He wasn't ready just yet.

"I took pictures of him because I like taking pictures. I took him to the garage, because that's my favorite place in the world, and at that time he was one of my favorite people. I went with him and got my pride flag because it made him feel better for not being able to get one for himself. I dated him for ten months. We did a lot of things together. We have a lot of memories together. But they are just that. Memories. And they don't hold the meaning that they used to". He paused again to let out a heavy breath and rested his head against the headrest while looking at Thomas. "What I felt with Ashton was nice. What I feel with you is so much better..."


A morning like that was really hard to ruin. Or so Mark thought. Right after the first period, he was called to the Principal's office were –sure enough- Hal and his parents sat. And right next to them sat Mark's father. He stayed silent as he went and sat down next to his dad while forcing himself not to smile as the little rip on Hal's lips or the redness on his cheek. That's going to be an ugly bruise...

"We are all gathered here in regards to the incident at the match last night..." Principal Chevrolet started, looking at the Coach and Mr. Charles –the assistant principal, as Mark had learned quite recently- who both stood next to the door. "I was not present, but I was told everything that happened... well, not everything but almost everything. I would like to hear your sides, though".

"He attacked me without a reason!" Hal yelled out at once.

"You said I was turning Thomas gay as I did to Jack!" Mark snapped back.

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