Chapter Eleven: Intercept

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Snowflakes fell down from the heavens, but that didn't stop Thomas. It wasn't snowing that much. It was still way too dark outside since it wasn't even six in the morning. Thomas had grown sick of this systematic morning runs, but at this point, it was the only way he could escape his subconscious. Why couldn't he stop dreaming about Mark?

Mark was gay. And it was okay. Thomas didn't have a problem with that. He didn't even have the right to have a problem with that. And it was also clear to Thomas that he was attracted to Mark.

Whether he was gay or not, he didn't know just yet. Maybe he saw these dreams because he was in denial. That idea had crossed his mind, but just as it formed, Thomas took it and shoved it in a little, mental box and then he threw that box into the abyss. No need to think too much about it, right?

Waking up at five-thirty in the morning from constant dreams about another guy sucked. And as much as his Coach would appreciate the stamina workout, Thomas was sure he wouldn't appreciate having an exhausted striker. Too bad for Coach, Thomas couldn't do anything about it. Every time he woke up from a dream with Mark he couldn't fall back to sleep. He tried it once and only ended up continuing where he had left off.

His imagination was driving him mad and Thomas had no idea how to control it.


Warm hands wrapped around his torso and Mark groaned softly in his sleep.

"Good morning to you too," William said from behind him and pressed a kiss against his shoulder-blade. His fingers traced Mark's body until they reached down to his bare thighs. "You know it's Saturday..."

"Yeah, so why are you waking me up this early?" Mark moaned and pressed his face against the pillow harder.

"When will your parents be back?" William whispered behind the shell of his ear.

"Probably Monday afternoon," Mark said and turned around to face William.

"So we have the weekend to ourselves?"

"Pretty much. Reese is coming over in the afternoon. And Sam will join us later tonight," Mark replied and cleared his throat. Pushing Mark on his back William pressed kisses alongside his body until he reached Mark's navel.

"Okay, then I should better make sure you're happy for when your friends come over," William said against Mark's skin and ran a tongue over his member.

Mark moved his head on his pillow and closed his eyes as he let himself be engulfed by ecstasy. His mind started to turn to cotton and he smiled at himself. A silhouette formed before him, while his eyes were still closed. Syrupy-golden eyes starred back at him as he came closer to an orgasm and a smile as beautiful as the sunset flashed before his closed eyes as he finished.

"Don't you have a dinner with your father later tonight?" Mark asked after he opened his eyes and faced William.

"Why are you thinking of my father while I'm giving you a blowjob?" William asked back, while kissing Mark's jaw and neck.

"Because if I play my cards right he might turn out to be my sugar daddy," Mark joked, but the disgusted expression on William's face made him laugh out loud.

"I just pictured you tying up my Dad and then fucking him," William explained.

The image was formed immediately in Mark's mind and he almost puked. With a grimace he got out of bed and stretched out. He could hear William snicker at him –probably due to his expression- but he didn't turn to address it.

"Where are you going?" William asked.

"I need to take a shower".

"A cold one?" William asked again, bringing that horrid image into Mark's mind.

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