The Great Awakening

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After trillions of years of growth, came the first minute hints of understanding. Time passed and through this understanding, thought became self-aware. Being self-aware, Thought could now wonder, at many things. Thought could wonder at possibilities, but what were the possibilities? Although Thought was now advanced, there was no energy, no mass, no space. There was plenty of time to think, but without a reference point, what else could there be?

With time to think, came concepts and with those concepts, came the questions. Is there more? Could there be more? Should there be more? What do I do? Am I all that there is? At this last question, Thought became aware of the concept, of being alone. A great loneliness settled in, but what could be done? There was no concept of touch, site, smell, taste..... just thought, devoid of any physical nature. So Thought pondered on existence and needs began to grow.

With this awareness, there was not only loneliness, but also wondering at many things. There became the pondering of new concepts and meanings. These concepts and meanings needed to be identified, in order to build upon one another. Slowly, over time, each concept and meaning was defined, so that Thought could organize these and combine them, in many ways. Thought now had specific definitions, to begin the process of bringing order, to its' understandings. Thought now had a definable process.

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