The group discussed their plan of attack. Claude explained, "OK we can strike from here, but they will have demonic beasts on the left so we n keed our archers providing cover fire to the left flank."
"Why not just warp to Edelgard?" Hilda inquired, "Just, have Linhardt or Lysithea teleport us in?"
"That sounds good on paper," Dorthea explained, "But in pratice it's to risky to send one or two people into her inner sanctum alone."
"What about the mages on the right flank?" Lorenz demanded, "If we don't do something about them we'll be burned alive."
"Lysithea is our magic expert," Dimitri explained, "What do you think Lysi-"
Upon turning to check on her, Dimitri noticed that Lysithea had snuck off.
"Shall I go after her?" Dedue inquired.
"I'll get her," Dorthea replied going to check on her.
Meanwhile, the air was cold in the Alliance as Byleth awoke in the back of a carriage, his hands bound and confused by his situation.
He looked around, trying to stand up, only to find his cuffs bound him to the floor of the carriage. He pulled with all his might, and despite his best efforts, he remained trapped.
"You awake?" A voice inquired.
"Flayn?" He asked, "What are you guys doing? We have to stop Edelgard!"
"Yeah," Seteth sighed, "We do, but you have to get help."
"Help?" Byleth demanded, "Help!?! We don't have time for this! Every one is going to die if we don't help them! Who has time for mental health in war?"
Seteth sighed, "That's the very attitude that allowed your mental health to decay so. That mentality of making excuses of bottling it up to keep up appearances, it kills people."
"Professor," Flayn pleaded, "Many men and women, mostly men as they feel obligated to fulfill some false masculine image, have died from repressing their madness rather than seeking help. We won't let that happen to you. We're family after all."
"You don't understand!" Byleth cried out, "Edelgard is going to kill our family if we don't-"
An explosion suddenly toppled the carriage, sending it careening off the forest, injuring Flayn and Seteth and knocking Byleth unconscious.
A mage asked, "Now what?"
Hubert smirked as Flayn watched, reaching out but unable to stand, left to bleed out on forest floor. Hubert lifted Byleth and explained, "We bring Byleth home..."
Lysithea turned the corner and as soon as she was out of sight, began coughing up blood.
"Lysithea?" A voice asked, the young girl freezing, "Are you OK?"
Lysithea lied, "I'm fine I-"
She coughed again, this time vomiting blood.
"Lysithea!" Dorthea cried going to support her, but Lysithea pushed her away, "No. I'm OK. I'm OK."
"No you're not!" Dorthea yelled, "Lysithea you're dying."
"So what if I am?!?" Lysithea demanded, "I can still fight!"
"Lysithea..." Dorthea pleaded...
The young girl began to cry overworked, stressed, and sick, Lysithea had a breakdown, "You don't understand! I've been dying for years! I don't have time for this! Big bro was gonna help me but he's gone! He's lost his mind!"
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Wanderer
RandomHubert stood, shocked, "Byleth, what do you mean?" "They killed my father!" Byleth cried out, "You guys helped them kill my father! It's them or me!" "I..." Hubert sighs, "I'm sorry for what happened Byleth but Edelgard-" "You know what?" Byleth gla...