Chapter 2 - Back to work

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Angie's POV:

After the wonderful morning and breakfast with German I decided to go to the Studio and see the people I haven't seen for months.

- I'm going to the Studio now - I said to German.

- That's too bad.... - he said with a grin.

- Eh?

- I wanted to spend some more time with you - he giggled softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist - But alright... you can go.... but only if you kiss me now.

- Okay... - I grinned then kissed him passionately on the lips - Happy now?

- I am... for now - he smiled before letting go of me - Take care of yourself though and if you need anything just call me, okay?

- Okay, I will - I said then left the house.

----- TIME SKIP -----

I was on my was to the Studio when I met up with Nicholas. Just great.... But I'm not gonna let him ruin my wonderful morning for sure!

- Good to see you back, Angie - he said with a smile.

- Yeah, sure... - I muttered and tried to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

- Hey, aren't you happy to see me? - he asked.

- Why should I?

- I know, I know... You're mad at me because of Priscilla.... Am I right?

- How did you know? - I said sarcastically.

- Angie...

- No, Angie for you. Just don't look at me, don't talk to me and don't even touch me anymore, okay? - I groaned, but he still didn't give up.

- I still love you! - he shouted after me as I started walking away.

- But I don't - I replied, not even looking back, but walking as fast as I can to leave him behind, but he followed me.

- You're with German now, aren't you?

- So what?

- He's not good enough for you!

- Why? Are you better?! You, who cheated on me?! - I snapped - You better leave me alone now!

Then I walked away and this time I didn't listen to any words Nicholas shouted after me, but I went straight to the Studio.

When I arrived all the kids were so happy to see me which made me really happy too.

- Angie! You're not going away anymore, are you?? - questioned Francesca.

- You can't go away! We need you here! - said Naty.

- Calm down, girls - I laughed - I'm not going anywhere anymore for sure!

Everyone cheered when Ludmilla stepped out of the others, surprisingly quite shyly... What's up with that?

- Angie, can we talk later on? Only you and me? - she asked.

- Yeah, sure - I nodded.

After this I went to the teacher's room where Milton, Gregorio and Pablo greeted me and honestly... I didn't really mind being hugged even by Milton. I was happy to be at home, at my old job again with everyone I love.

- I'm so glad to see you back, Angie! - said Pablo happily.

- Me too, Pablo - I smiled.

- Except that you're back for German...

- I'm not back only for German... But for everyone...

- That's good to hear... - he smiled too then kissed my forehead - But if he hurts you again then I swear I'm gonna...

- He won't hurt me anymore... Trust me...

- If you say so...

- Pablo, don't be so negative - said Gregorio, smiling.

- It's weird to hear this from you though - Pablo sighed - But I'm going for now... Lunch together?

- Sure - I nodded and he left.

----- TIME SKIP -----

After my first 2 lesson ended I went back to the teacher's room to have some tea and I found Priscilla there alone.

- What are you doing here? - I asked her.

- I came to talk to you - she replied calmly.

- What do you want?

- You still have the chance to give German back to me and I won't make your life a nightmare...

- Excuse me? If I'm correct he was the one throwing you out by himself and not me!

- I don't care! Make him get me back and you go back to France, or whatever! - she snapped - I need him and I want you to leave!

I was about to say something, but then....

- Mother! - I hear Ludmilla's voice from behind me, sounding really angry.

- Ludmilla, this is not your bu---

- It is my business if you make me seem like a witch too!

- Why would I do that? - Priscilla asked in a sarcastic voice.

- Leave German and his family alone finally!

- Why?? Weren't you happy when we were living there?!

- I was, but....

- Ludmilla is still welcomed in our house - I said calmly - Not like you....


- Priscilla, stop doing this already...

Me and Ludmilla turned around to see Nicholas behind us, looking sternly at Priscilla.

- Haven't we done enough? We should just accept that fact that we're out of their life forever... Atleast you need to accept it...

- This is all your fault! - Priscilla snapped again before storming out of the room and Nicholas turned to me.

- Angie, I just came here to say I'm sorry and to promise that I won't bother you anymore - he said then also left.

- Jesus Christ.... - Ludmilla sighed - I'm getting really irritated by my own mother...

- I can relate to that...

 - Anyway I'm really sorry because of all that happened, Angie... I feel so bad even for my mom, but I can't do anything with her... I don't know what she wants with this threatening...

- I don't know either, but you really don't need to say sorry... It wasn't your fault.

- I know, but...

- No buts! - I smiled.

- Alright - she smiled too.

- Now... Let's go to the class! - I said and we headed to my singing class together, but Priscilla's threat bothers me though. I don't know what she's planning, but I'm not letting her ruin my happiness.

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