The Hut

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By; Melody Russell

Ife hummed a tribal tune as she delicately moved around the hut, she followed the beat of the song as she walked. Every step she took was careful and light, she dared not to make a sound. Jabari arched his back and repositioned his elbows, the worn potato sack under him creased with every movement. Jabari rose to his feet and walked towards his mother, leaving a trail of brown dust.
"Jabari, you must not stomp so hard the floor can't take it!" Ife laughed, a laugh so warm and powerful it would make a stranger feel loved. Everyone stirred in their beds, it was impossible to ignore a smile so genuine.

The hut came alive all at once, Adebo rose his arms and yawned, Deka gazed across the hut and accompanied his yawn, she squinted as the dewy morning sun reaching beyond the straw roof and lined the room. Ife smiled as she began removing the covers of her children's beds
"All my children are alive and well!", Deka furrowed her eyebrows while frowning at her mother,
"Alive...not well, you destroyed my sleep with the screeching." Ife playfully bucked at her daughter while holding the dusty blankets, Deka crossed her arms in response, attempting to shield herself. Ife pointed her finger at Deka, "Aye, that was singing smart-," the room erupted in a chorus of responses before she could finish her sentence.
"No, cussing!" Jabari hollered as he waved his finger in disapproval,
"Mama bad!" Deka responded while turning to Adebo, who nodded in agreement. Deka smiled and turned back to face her hysterical mother. Ife gripped her sides, tilted her head and let out a laugh all of Africa could hear.

Jabari used one hand to wipe the sleep out of his eyes and the other to strike Adebo,
"Come" he said as he started out of the hut, after a few paces he turned around, confusion masked his face as he saw no one behind him. "Adebo comes" he impatiently summoned his younger brother by gesturing and pointing. "Relax son, you and your brother can hunt later, he's but a child." Ife dragged out the word child, Adebo would always be her baby boy no matter how many years have passed. Ife was unconsciously using her body to block Adedo from Jabari. Jabari noticed and grew weary, this time there was a harshness and bark to his voice.
"Now Adebo" Jarbari spun around and stomped out of the hut, with his head bowed Adebo followed. Ife watched the beads on the door sway, and Deka peeked through them until her brothers cleared the hill and she could no longer see.

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