The Hunt

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The brothers marched quickly and with purpose, dry yellow grass crunching beneath their feet. Jabari leading and Adebo jogging 3 or 4 paces behind. "Keep up" Jabari ordered, "We need to reach the tree by dawn" Adebo nodded and quickened his pace. The boys walked for another mile before finally reaching a large quiver tree, they both bent down next to a pile of leaves and twigs under the tree. Adebo slowly picked up twigs and placed them beside him while Jabari spread them with his calloused hands. The twigs were pushed to the side and revealed two hunting spears. The sunlight shone on the polished metal, Jabari's eyes gleamed in the reflection, he shifted in excitement.
"Pick your poison baby brother" Jabari beamed still fixated on the two spears. Adobe wrung his hands and swallowed,
"I don't think I'm ready to hunt Jabari" Adobe nervously looked behind him and Jabari gripped his collar, Adobe inhaled as he was forced to make eye contact with his older brother.
"How old are you" Jarbari muttered, "Thirteen" Adobe whimpered. Jabaris voice grew more powerful.
"I said, How old are you!" Adobe straightened and matched his older brothers gaze. "Thirteen!" Adobe shouted as Jabari forcefully handed him the closest spear. Jabari picked up the one closest to himself and shot up. Leaving a cloud of dirt for Adobe to fan away.
"Today..." He took a long pause as he surveyed the African savanna, he's eyes fixed on the blowing leaves of the quiver tree. "We hunt!" Jabari looked down at his brother once again before he started to ascend down the hill. Adebo shifted the spear in his hands and followed his brother.

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