The kill

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Adobe went running towards his brother, who was wrestling the calf to the ground. Dirt filled the air as the calf fought for dear life, kicking, and letting out unimaginable noises. But Jabari held on with surprising strength.
"Kill it, Adobe!" Adobe raised his spear and tried to force its spear into the belly of the beast, but he couldn't move. The calf was growing tired, and Jabaris grip started to weaken. Adobe closed his eyes, tears fell as he gripped the spear with two hands and thrust the spear into the calf's neck. The calf let out a gargled roar as crimson blood coated the brothers. Jabari rolled onto his back and waited to catch his breath, his blood-soaked shirt heaved up and down. The animal jerked and convulsed before finally twitching its leg for the last time.

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