Pumpkin patch

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It's been three weeks since you met Yami.

You got along with him very well, almost as if you've met him before...

Whatever it was, it made you feel a spark. Butterflies raked your figure whenever he was around. The sweet gestures he did for you, had managed to make your heart swell with passion. From time to time, he would make kind remarks about your work, even when it wasn't necessary. Maybe he was interested in you, but you never took your admiration for him too far. In the back of your mind, you refused to believe such a kind, gentleman like him would like you.

Shaking your head, you grabbed a bottle of orange juice before heading out to the barn. Today you would need a good breakfast if you wanted to make some money at the biggest pumpkin patch in the city. Mrs. Muto wanted you to carry out her annual pumpkin patch for the first time. It would be a challenge to do it alone, but the experience could be useful. You quietly moved into the chicken shed, being as careful as possible. If you startled the chickens, they would flock all over the place. You sneakily walked around, grabbing a few eggs before stepping out of the shed.

As soon as you did, you smashed right into a hard, muscular chest. You instantly looked up at whoever it was, completely caught off guard by their presence. A pair of sparkling magenta eyes peered down at you in amusement.

It was Yami!

You felt a deep blush crawl up on your neck. He completely caught you off guard! The fact that you smashed into his chest didn't make it any better. But, what was Mrs. Muto's son doing here? Did he need some eggs? You cleared your throat before sheepishly glancing at the handsome male,

"H-hey Yami. Did you need something?"

Those beautiful, plump lips curved up into a small smirk. Yami found you so adorable sometimes,

"(Y/n). I was looking for you. May I help you with the pumpkin patch?"

You eagerly nodded before releasing a sigh,

"Of course! Thank god you're here to help me. If I'm being quite honest, I don't know what the hell I was going to do"

A deep, husky chuckle rumbled from his throat, blessing your ears with its sound,

"I'm sure you would have been alright. You don't give yourself enough credit."

Glancing up at the male, you sent him a soft smile,

"Thank you Yami, for your words and for the help. Oh! You just reminded me. I wanted to ask you, can you please carry these eggs to the house? I'll set the pumpkins up with their prices. Afterwards, we can both manage from behind the small stand"

Yami nodded, taking the eggs from your hands and walking ahead towards the house. His behavior had disturbed you at first, but you had long gotten used to his unexpected moments of silence. Yami was a mysterious at times, but you learned that's what made him special. You dusted your hands on your jeans, turning towards the smallest pumpkins. Today you would have a lot of work.

~~~~~ four hours later~~~~~

Many families had arrived, picking up and examining the pumpkins you and Yami had laid out. Thankfully, all of them had sold out in just a matter of minutes! You didn't realize how popular the pumpkin patch really was until you had to manage it yourself. Wiping your forehead, you made a mental note to thank Yami as soon as you got back into the house.

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