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*one month later*

You straightened the soft fabric that had pooled around your legs. Bright beautiful diamonds gleamed within the crevices of your dress.

It was finally time for your wedding.

After accustoming to Yami's demands,- both mentally and physically-, you decided you wanted to be his.

His beautiful wife, his rag doll,

Only his.

It took you a while to get used to it, but after countless days of being locked in a room with him and many 'festive' nights, he had managed to convince you that you belonged with him,

That you were meant to be with him.

You pulled yourself out of your thoughts, quickly powdering your face. Two strong, muscular arms wrapped themselves around your waist, holding you in a vice-like grip. You chuckled quietly before feeling the soft breath of your husband tickle the shell of your ear,

"Are you ready, my love?"

You turned, tilting your head up to look into those beautifully gleaming crimson orbs you had grown to adore,

"Of course"

You walked hand in hand with Yami, stalking towards the path behind your farmhouse. The pastor, who had also happened to be a vampire, smiled at you both, adjusting the clear glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. You stood beside Yami, feeling butterflies swore through your belly as he smiled at you charmingly,

"(Y/n), do you take Yami to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Unbeknownst to you, Yami watched you carefully from behind your veil, making sure you would confirm your love for him.

in his mind, you had to.

"Yes", you stated, brushing your thumb across your fiance's knuckles. Yami sprung out of his thoughts, straightening his position before looking at the pastor,

"Yami, do you take (Y/n) (L/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Yami smiled beautifully, almost sinisterly. In your eyes, you saw the most handsome and truthful man. You couldn't notice the underlying motive in his smile as you had been almost obsessed with him yourself...

"Yes", he spoke, gripping your hands a little too tightly.

Both of you zoned out, examining each other with lust-filled, obsessive gazes as the pastor went on with reading his bible,

"You may kiss the bride",

Yami leaned forward, carefully pressing his finger underneath your chin before tilting your head up to press a soft, lingering kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, fluttering your eyes closed as his hands slid very lowly around your back,

"You will be mine forever", the pastor smiled, believing Yami's words to be sweet. You, on the other hand, would have realized the hidden intent, but in your own little world, you didn't care. You leaned your forehead against his, locking eyes,

"Together forever"

Yami smirked, slipping the bright diamond onto your finger.

You were now his.

and he would make sure that would be forever.

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