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Fluttering your eyes open, you slowly moved your head, allowing your drowsiness to fade. After blinking for a few moments, you took note of your nude form, underneath a pair of sheets that were not yours. You found nothing strawn in the white sheets, that is, until you spotted a white note. You yawned, finally realizing that this indeed was not your room. 

It was Yami's instead.

 Bringing a hand to your throbbing head, you gently rubbed your nimble fingers along your temples. How could you have slept with him? The memory of what had taken place in those same covers pissed you off, but, you couldn't fight off the blush that had arisen on your cheeks after thinking about how good his skin felt against yours. You stretched your arms above your head, making sure you heard a familiar pop! before looking around for your clothes. All you found in the crimson-colored room, was Yami's shirt, which lay neatly folded on the drawer next to your side of the bed. You hastily pulled it on, rushing towards the door as you read the note he left, 

"My love, I did not intend to leave you this way, but, there was a matter I needed to take care of. I will speak to you when I arrive. Eat well. 

- Y"

You walked to your room, glancing around for your phone and clothes. Where could he have put everything? As soon as you found your phone, you gaped in all of your glory at the beautiful blooming roses on your dresser. The roses looked and smelled amazing. Judging by the cursive, 'to my (Y/N)' written on the card, the handwriting was no other than Yami. 

Thinking back to everything that had taken place the night before, you did not know what exactly you wanted or felt. Yes, you confessed your feelings for Yami, and yes you wanted to be with him, but, something told you it was wrong. 

It was a surprise for you to unexpectedly learn he was a vampire, but you had managed to accept it as one of your relatives happened to be a vampire as well. 

What left you conflicted was the feeling in your gut. With the way he had revealed himself, was his only motive to bed you and keep you? It sucked to think so lowly of him, but it seemed almost... 

Obsessive of him. Especially with the last few words he said before you fell asleep. Soon you will be his?

There was much you did not know about him. Looking down at your bed, a photo that was taken the night before of you and Yami lay in the middle, surrounded by smaller gifts and rose petals. What exactly was he playing at? Before you could contemplate it any longer, a pair of strong arms slithered around your waist, trapping you in their grip. A head gently placed itself on your shoulder. Although you knew exactly who it was, you couldn't help but tense,

"H-hey Yami', you swallowed thickly, praying to god that he could not hear the slight fear in your voice. The male released a low chuckle before leaning down to press his lips against the wound he had created, 

"Hello, love. Have you eaten? I see you found my gifts."

You spun around, gasping at the close proximity between your faces. Yami only smirked, tightening his hold around your hips. Those amethyst eyes of his sparkled, with dark hues of cardinal displaying the hidden secrets,

"No, not yet. I will soon. I think I just need a cold shower to clear my head. Can we talk after I get dressed? I just really want to talk about where we stand as of this moment."

A slight shiver ran up your spine as you witnessed his jaw clench after mentioning where 'you stand'. Was he offended by the way you had stated it? Cupping the side of his face, you leaned your forehead against his before whispering,

"I didn't mean it like that. I just want to talk to you in order to clear the questions I have. Also, I hope you ate something Yami. I really care about you."

The male before you visibly relaxed at your true words. You really loved Yami, but you wanted answers. And if those answers would lead you away from him, then so be it. You wanted to feel safe, but if your safety required you to leave the one you loved, then you would be forced to make that difficult choice, 

"Of course (Y/N). and yes I have. I shall leave you to tend to your needs. I really care about you too."

You couldn't help but beam at his sweet words. This man had a strong effect on you. Yami released a small smile before kissing your cheek and walking out of the room.  As soon as he stepped out, you grabbed your shower necessities, all while pulling out a packing bag. Something just told you, you would have to leave him. 

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