The chase

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With the pressure you were under, your legs carried you on, never slowing down from the fifteen minutes that you had started from. You couldn't believe it. Yami wanted to have you. Mentally, you cursed yourself for ever falling for him. A small tear managed to roll down your cheek, and onto the leaves surrounding your steps. You ran into the back of the woods from the barn. As much as you would've loved to go back and stay with Yami, you couldn't do it. If thinking about it didn't already hurt your heart, the burning of the mark he had inflicted did. You glanced at your partly exposed neck from your tank top. It now swelled in a deep red. Your eyes crinkled as you attempted to stop the pain from seeping through. Why did it hurt so badly all of the sudden? Stepping forward, you clenched your jaw to substain the strong urge to stop running. You wouldn't let him have his way. You would have to keep going.

~~~~~~a while later~~~~~~~

Ragged breaths fell from your dry, parted lips. You've been running for almost an hour now. All of the stamina you reserved just for this moment had finally faded away...

He was coming.

Just the thought of it, sent a slight shiver down your spine. Dragging your shoes across the cold rocky ground, you steadied yourself before running once more. A dry chuckle, coated with underlying darkness filled your ears with its sound,

"You can't run my queen. I'll find you."

Your hands shook violently from the icy atmosphere and the fact that the man you had fallen completely in love with, was hunting you down. With your stamina running low, it was incredibly difficult to keep a steady pace. The fact that your mark had began to bleed only made it worse. He could smell you. Pinching your eyes closed, your features distorted in pure horror. Your white tank was shrouded in hues of pink and red, the mark on your neck now swelling into a deep purple. It ached like a bitch. Could it be that Yami could sense you this way? Whatever it was, if you were going to get caught, you wouldn't go down without a fight. Pushing yourself behind a tree, you pressed yourself against the hard decaying wood. You thought about god, and how much you really wanted him to help you out. Silence took over for a few seconds. It was eerily quiet. The birds that had been chirping earlier, had finally flown away, only leaving vultures behind to pick at the trash and dead animals in the forest. You pulled a hand up to your mouth, pressing your lips to the sleeve of your sweater. You needed to be as quiet as you could. After a while of hiding, you slowly took a step out of your hiding place. You had been so paranoid, you kept looking behind to see if he was near. The only place you forgot to look at, was in front of you. Moving your head away from the tree, you stared death directly in the face. Your breath got caught in your throat.

Those beautiful amethyst orbs you loved so much had now distorted into something more dangerous...

Something so sinister.

Sharp, white fangs dug out of his once human teeth. Your lover stared at you, clearly amused at the fearful expression on your face. You couldn't even process what was going on. He watched you intently, stepping closer. Your ear picked up on the crunching of leaves. With your senses coming back, you opened your mouth to release a scream. Quickly, a frosty breeze blew over your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. A cold, slender hand pressed down on your mouth, as another gently craned your neck to side. At this point, you couldn't stop from hyperventilating. He leaned down, caressing the soft, exposed skin of your neck,

"My Queen. Don't make this harder than it already is."

Before you could even pull away, he leaned down at an impeccable speed, skimming your flesh with his lips before biting down on your sweet spot. A weak whimper rolled off of your lips. Spots instantly littered your vision. You fought against the twisted pain and pleasure you felt, punching weakly at his chest. He shushed you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You were fainting, of course he fuckin knew it. The last thing you saw, were those newly shaded blood, red eyes before passing out.

Yami sighed, upon witnessing your eyes close and lead you into a peaceful slumber. He did not intend to bite your wound again, but if it was the only way to bring you home, then he would do it. It pained the young male to see the drops of blood which had poured down your tank top and sweater. You were in pain all of this time. He could feel it in his veins as the bite had connected the both of you together. As much as he was glad that he could bring you home, Yami never stopped blaming himself. Had he told you everything from the start, maybe you would've stayed with him. Knowing you, the young male knew you would have stayed as you cherished loyalty before anything else. He splayed his hands out, gently grasping your waist before carrying you bridle style. As soon as he got you home, Yami intended on making you his bride. Vampires always married their mates to secure a proper bond. Even if you didn't want to, Yami would make sure you would. Compromising was the best in this situation.

"I'll help her realize it later," he whispered to himself.

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