The Road To Home - Chapter 1

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Sorry for spelling/grammar mistakes I'm writing this on my phone :)

"Hi there! I need help I'm on my way to New Orleans and my sat-nav has decided to run out of battery. Could you help me?" I asked the young boy who stood next to my car window. He looked at me with a smirk and said " Well I do know the way but I want something from you first" he stared at my chest all the way down to my legs. This guy was an absolute douche. But I've lived long enough to know a douche bag when I see one. "Okay hop in" I said biting my lip.

As soon as he was in the car I grabbed his neck and looked into his ocean blue eyes. "Don't move and don't make a sound this won't hurt." he nodded slightly and I unveiled my fangs before sticking them in his neck. I wasn't really even hungry but like I said he was a douche bag and when you think a girl is gonna put out just for directions to The French Quarter...... you are very sadly mistaken.

Once I had taken what I could without completely killing him I grabbed a bandage from the glove compartment and patched it over the two holes in his neck. "Now you're gonna leave my car and go home if anyone asks you hooked up with this girl, things got rough and she bit you. Now go." As soon as I had let go of him he got out of the car and made his way in the opposite direction.

I drove on for a couple more miles before seeing a sign that read "French Quarter 1/2 mile away" this was it. This was the day I finally get to meet my father. I've waited 4,000 years for this day and it's finally here. The day I come face to face with Niklaus Mikaelson.

Sorry guys this was a really crappy chapter they'll get better I promise I hope you like this chapter and what do you think of Damie so far? thanks for reading and stay awesome guys!

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