Family Hangout

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I sighed as I laid on my sofa, ignoring the calls and texts lighting up my phone. After Nas left yesterday, I called Jeanette and we talked. Then I drank almost a whole bottle of wine. I groaned at that decision. I saw that my daughter Asia called me so I sucked up my headache and haze to call my baby back.

"Hi sweetie. What's up?"
"Just wondering when you were coming back. Daddy said you were out with aunt Holly last night."
"I was baby. I'll be home in the next hour. I'm getting ready now."
"Okay! Can we go shopping?"
"Sure baby. We can get a head start on your dance. Any particular dates yet?"
"No mommy. I'm still waiting on Rob."

I smiled. Rob is short for Robinson Peete, Holly's son. The two of them practically grew up together so Holly and I were on our matchmaking vibe. And so far, it seemed to be working. I told her I loved her and that I'd be home shortly.

I got up and took a shower. I pondered the situation with Nas over in my head. The truth is: I've been crazy about him since I met him in the club all those years ago. I just knew I couldn't act on it. When I found out his age, I just shut down. He's so handsome and I love his personality. Not to mention, the man is fione! But what can I do?

I sighed as I realized I would probably have to interact with Antoine. I used to want him to be home more, prayed for it actually. But now, every time I see him, I just want to throw up and kick his ass.

I put on my clothes and I made my way home. As soon as I entered the house, my babies ran to me. I chuckled while hugging and kissing them both all over their faces. My heartbeats. Antoine walked in the room and I refrained from rolling my eyes.

"Out with the girls?"
"Something like that."
"Mmm. Cause Rod was home yesterday."
"And your point?"
"You normally don't stay there when he's home."
"Yeah, well, I didn't really want to be here."
"Your kids -,"
"Were just fine, at home with their father. Right?"
"We need to talk, Lela."
"You're right. But not right now. Asia, Brando you ready to go?"
"Mom, can I stay with dad?"
"Ask him if he'll be here?"
"Of course I'll be here and he can stay. In fact, I plan on being around a lot more now."

I really did roll my eyes then. After you publicly embarrass the shit out of me, now you want to come around more? Stupid jackass.

I turned around and went by the door, waiting on Asia. I looked at my phone and noticed a message from Nas.

-So, you snitching now?-
-Shut up! I was talking to my friend-
-About her only son?-
-Who also happens to be a jackass-
-I could be your jack ass...-
-Boy plz. You're already my jackass-
-... you right-

I smiled and shook my head. It's good to know I still got it, if only just a little bit. Antoine looked over at me.

"Why you smiling so hard?"
"I'm talking to a friend."

Asia walked up and wrapped her arm around my waist. I kissed Brando on the forehead before we walked out the house. We decided to take my 2019 Mercedes Benz truck to the mall. My baby loves Beyoncé so that's what we listened to on the way there. She's met Bey on several occasions and she fan girls out each time. As we pulled up to the mall, I got another message from Nas.

-At the mall with Asia. Wyd-
-Why you didn't invite me?-
-Yeah. I could use some fresh gear-
-Come on then-
-😃😁🥰 Omw!-

I smiled and shook my head again. This damn man is something else. Just last night, we had a tense conversation that forced me to ask him to leave my place. Now today, we're back at it like nothing happened. It's been a while since a relationship has been this pure for me.

"Asia, you remember Nas right?"
"Yeah, uncle Nas? Mama J son? The rapper?"
"Yep. He's going to come join us."
"Cool. Besides, he is fine!"
"Girl, whet?!"
"Mama, come on. I may be young but I know a good looking guy when I see one."

I laughed. My baby girl is definitely growing into herself. She's going to be one heck of a woman, if I do say so myself. As soon as we got out of the car and began walking, I saw cameras start flashing. At this point, it's a normal thing so she nor I bat a lash at it. We walked up to the front and pretty soon I got a message from Nas, asking which side of the mall we're at. I told him and about 10 minutes later, a F-550 pulled up. My daughter's mouth dropped and I couldn't help but chuckle. He did look really good. The truck is red with gold trimming and gold rims. He hopped out and looked fresh with a white polo and white jeans with red and white js. He also had on a gold chain with a fresh cut. I've always loved his signature swoop at the top too.

"Ladies, good afternoon."
"Hi Nas!"
"Little Miss Asia. You get prettier every time I see you. Which I don't really understand."
"You were already the prettiest princess I've ever seen."

I watched my baby blush like crazy and I couldn't help but laugh. He's always been a smooth talker, especially with the ladies.

"After you, Queen."

He held his arm out, snapping me out of my daze. I blushed before walking in front of him. We walked for a few minutes before I looked at him. His eyes were on my ass.

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