Chapter 1

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"Well, we'll be starting off somewhere in Europe," I began. "Then we'll sail across the Atlantic, go up the Chesapeake Bay, and dock in Baltimore's Inner Harbor."

Maryland, who was sitting beside me, let out a heavy sigh.  "I assume you'll want me to pay for all this," she observed quietly.

"Of course," I said bluntly. "But we'll only be hanging out in Baltimore for a few days, definitely less than a week. It won't cost too much."

"Unless one of you happens to need hospitalization," Delaware pointed out. "If you need healthcare, you're done for-"

"Yes, yes, we get it." Pennsylvania muttered impatiently. "Mary doesn't want to pay for anyone to go on this Atlantic cruise, Del doesn't want to be in charge of fifty people for almost three weeks, I'm bored out of my mind, and as soon as America leaves Montana is going to murder everyone."

"Shut up, Penny!" Montana grumbled. "You're just jealous because you don't get to go."

"EVERYONE here is jealous!" Kentucky exclaimed. "America gets to go on a cruise with all his friends, and he doesn't have to spend a cent because guess who's paying for it. US."

"Y'all will be fine," Georgia grunted. "It's not like he hasn't done this before."

"But he's never been gone for so long before," Hawaii piped up. She turned to me. "Right?"

"Well- no. The longest I've left was to go on a camping trip with my siblings, and that was only a week and a half." I admitted. "But England isn't going on the cruise like the rest of us countries, and he's agreed to check in on you every day."

"Yes, but he's probably doing the same thing for Canada's provinces and territories," Alabama pointed out bluntly. "And then other countries have responsibilities that they're all asking England to take care of."

"Why England, though?" New Hampshire complained. He shot a look at the other twelve oldest. "I mean, I know that he doesn't want to go, but I would rather have you gone for a month than deal with his arrogant face trying to boss us around-"

"He was the only one available!" I snapped. "And yes, I know you thirteen don't like him, and for good reason! He's different though, now that he's a part of the UK. I need someone to be checking in on you. I don't trust you alone yet."

"How touching," Alaska said drily, the first thing I'd heard her say all day.

"Some of us have been independent before," Texas agreed, adjusting his hat. It was something he did when he was annoyed (which was often).

"I'm not changing my mind," I stated firmly. "Now hush, I need to pack up some more things before I leave tomorrow." I stood up from the couch and left the room, leaving behind a collection of baffled states.

The next morning came way too soon. I was awoken by a loud beeping noise. I slapped my alarm clock so hard the plug ripped out of the socket as the annoying object sailed across the room. Take that! I thought.

Next, I checked my phone. Almost blinded by the brilliant light, I quickly turned the brightness down.

MapleBOI- u all awake yet?

FREEDOM- yeah. It's like two in the morning tho

i:ship:it- Haha not where I am. I'm waiting for my flight and it's 3 in the afternoon

FREEDOM- luckyyyyyyyy

Germany- It's currently 8:23am in my timezone. When we reach Royan, France, our departure time is at nine o'clock sharp

Française- Does everyone expect to be on time?

Taco- si


I turned of my phone, rolled out of bed, grabbed my luggage, and walked downstairs. Outside, it seemed too bright to be nighttime. Baltimore City was alive with commotion. I yawned, waiting for an uber to pick me up. Behind me, the door creaked as a few states exited the house.

"G'morning, America," Maryland mumbled. Sher rubbed her eyes, blinking around at her city. Then she smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "GOOD MORNING, BALTI-"

"Be quiet!" Florida hissed behind her. "You'll wake everyone up!"

Maryland giggled, but then forced a hurt look onto her face. "You threw off my groove," she complained.

"What is it with you today?" I questioned in amusement.

"As soon as you leave, we're going to throw a big party," Mary informed me.

"Maryland, I swear-"  California started.

I cut her off. "Just be good, ok?" I asked. "Thanks for letting your siblings and me stay at one of your houses. Don't kill anyone, be nice to Delaware because he's in charge, and stop teasing Alabama, got it?"

"Got it," the old-line state sighed. "I'm going back to bed."

"Good," Florida snapped.

"Be nice-" I started, but just then my uber pulled up. "Oh, got to go!" I called out.

I got in the car, and we drove the the airport. As I thought about it, I realized how odd it was that I was taking a flight to France, then sailing all the way back to Baltimore. It was kind of funny, actually. I smiled, internally wishing my states good luck, then exiting the car into the constant motion of an airport.

So hi. Yes. Hi. Um.

I got the idea for this story after watching the video I put above.

Can you guess what's going to happen...?

Also I don't expect this to be a long book, but who knows... I only have the plot and maybe a few details down by now.

Bye! Thanks for reading this!

Word Count: 888

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