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When I opened my eyes, I frowned with the pain that I had in my neck. I fell asleep in the living room. My gaze slid up as I slowly glanced around me - a few cookies that had fallen to the ground, a half-finished wine bottle, a corkscrew and a game of bingo scattered around. The image I was expecting to meet was of course not a Rai Loreen sitting on the single sofa with a mug of coffee in her hand, her eyes flushed and staring at the floor. "Good morning," she murmured. "I guess I shouldn't be here." I raised my eyebrows once more as I frowned. "Why is that?" I asked naively. She took a deep breath as if she wanted to prepare to speak. "What exactly happened yesterday?" When her gaze once again focused on my blue eyes, I couldn't stop the lump in my throat. She forgot? I couldn't believe this cliché came true.
Alright, what am I gonna say? I guess I wouldn't lose anything if I don't tell her the special things she told and made me feel if she can't remember of them. She must have already thought the red stain on the couch was a wine stain. I was probably going to pretend it never happened and forget it. What did I expect? It couldn't be anything but impossible to live some things with her and her to involve me in her life more than just an employee.
"You were drunk," I forcibly talked, letting my speech style go back into the formality. "You came to my house, you looked bad, so I hosted you," I missed my gaze.

"It seems like I'd been a trouble," she said as she glanced around the mess we'd made. "I'd better get up."
"It's not a problem," I turned to her; I didn't want her to go but that would be very unwarranted, "we can have breakfast."
She smiled slightly and hung her bag over her shoulder. She turned to me before getting up. "I must have disturbed you enough. See you at the company, Ms. Campson."

Great, shitty Christmas night ruined everything. Maybe I was cursed too! I was so unlucky that I wouldn't be surprised if I was cursed. I just kicked the ass of the considerable amount of sincerity between us. Well, that page was ready to be edited and e-mailed, but somehow I got carried away with the thing between us. I am such a stupid woman!

When Mrs. Loreen left the apartment, I began to gnaw in anger the cookies that were smiling at me in front of me. I had three days left for the magazine publication, and I would better be prepared to do these tests than to grapple with my thoughts here. So I grabbed my laptop on the floor and started to work without worrying about my rumbling. It was still not too late to get into her eyes. At least I'd have finished this review early, and maybe she'd read my writing and give me feedback.

□ Test Yourself to Discover!

I started pressing the keyboard keys. In about an hour, I prepared a couple of psychological tests, which consisted of ten questions that would allow one to explore their inner world. Such a corner has never been the content of the magazine before and I was sure it would attract attention. Who wouldn't like to fill out a survey or do a test?

After adding the references, I saved the document and logged in to my e-mail address. I created a new email and attached the file and entered the company's official email address. I checked the page for a while. Yeah, I was sure. I clicked on the submit button and turned off the computer and left it back on the floor. I made it. I was sure I was doing my best. I entered into the kitchen trying to make myself feel a bit befter, and stopping myself from torturing my stomach, I microwaved the Macaroni with Cheese that I pulled out of the refrigerator and started to heat it up. It wasn't healthy to eat pasta in the morning, but that was the only thing that looked like food in my fridge.


This thing wasn't going as well as I expected.

I've been waiting for an email from Ms. Loreen for four days, and all I got was nothing more than a notification that said my computer was running out of charge. As the days progressed with their usual boring monotony, the only thing that changed would be the weather; as soon as I got out, my nose would freeze like ice-cold and I would feel like an eskimo living with penguins. In fact, I didn't look any different from them with the four coats I was usually wearing.

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