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Theodores POV:

Have you ever felt that you are present physically but mentally you are numb and you can just look on one thing endlessly . Well if not then let me tell you that I am suffering from that thing.

It is as if i can feel my own mate slipping from my own hands like water. Every second is hard for me to look at her in this condition knowing that it was my responsibility to look after her. wait it still is but I have failed and this thing sent a pang to my heart.

The doctor say that Lia was emotionally unstable when all this happened.

I just think why was I not there when this all happened. 

"Alpha.. can I talk to you in private?" Emma entered the room and asked.

I just nodded and asked her to follow me to my office. 

"Is something wrong with her?" I asked her

"No alpha but I have some good news as well as bad one. which one should I tell you first?"

"go with whatever you like just TELL ME!" I exclaimed with raising my voice at the end.

She just flinched a little and continued.

"Firstly Lia coughed up alot of blood and it was not for the first time but this have been happening on and off but she might have not taken it seriously. The cough with blood was caused by internal bleeding in trachea as the mucosal lining was damaged and I think she is not mute by birth but something caused it ...maybe some accident .....or..... maybe someone hurt her cause I find some traces of stitches and healing ... well it didn't healed well enough causing this damage. The good news is she might be able to speak again if she is willing to do."

"what is the bad news?" I asked holding back my wolf or else it would've been out of control.

"The bad news is alpha that Lia have not been eating due to stress and this pain in trachea which have weaken her immune system. The WBCS rate of production have lessen to dangerous extent and I am afraid if she will no take care of herself then we might lose he.." I growled loudly  scaring her away

"Alpha but we can support her and take care of her in every possible way if she stays here for few months cause clearly she is not well in the" she hesitantly completed the sentence.

I opened the mouth to speak but was abruptly stopped by nurse coming in " DR. LIA IS AWAKE AND SHE IS HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!"

Emma and I rushed to my room. For the first time I was sweating alot and my hands felt damp. I rushed into the room to find Lia curled up in the corner of bed  sniffing and shaking her head as a male nurse approached her with needle .

He tried to near and she started sobbing very badly.

I neared her and she didn't flinched instead she took a hold of me and curled up behind me as if she didn't wanted that male nurse to come near so I growled loudly and yelled at him to leave right now

I turned around to face Lia but she instantly hugged me like her life depended on me. She kept sniffing and shaking as tears flowed down her red puffy cheeks from her swelled up eyes.

It was clear that Lia trusted no other man than me or the ones who I address only. At this I was first happy and then I thought what might've happened causing this to happen.

Emma stood there and asked " So alpha will Lia stay in hospital for few months" 

Lia's head instanly perked up and looked at Emma first and then at me hugging me close and kept shaking her head.She was acting childishly but I know that she was scared of all these people.

" Well Emma on thinking I think its better if i take Lia with me only if she promises to stay with me all the time and do whatever I say. So Lia will ya?" 

She looked at me and nodded her head smiling with tear stained face at me. I was glad she was happy and didn't rejected me at once.

After sitting like this for more than few hours Lia fall asleep. 

I took her hand and separated from me and instantly she started whimpering like a child when her doll is taken away. I grinned like a fool on this thing.

 I just picked her up and to be honesttt She was way to lighttt more than a feather.

As I laid her down on my bed with Lia snuggling into me my heart filled with warmth and heat rosed upto my cheeks.

I had no other choice other than sitting there with her and kept looking at her.

Soon I also dozed off with her right beside me.


hey guyssss! sorry for such short chap.

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