chapter two

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The golden rays shot through my curtains, illuminating my bedroom with the 7am sunlight.

Often I can't sleep at night. It's like my brain is overly active or something. To keep myself busy I paint. Its a coping mechanism. It's somewhat a form of self-theropy for me. A distraction if you will.

Today was no exception.

I gathered my paints and cups of water together, clearing them off my bedroom floor. I poured out the milky greyish water into my bathroom sink and rinsed my paint brushes proceed by the acrylic colour dried onto my hands before getting ready for the last day of the week.

 I poured out the milky greyish water into my bathroom sink and rinsed my paint brushes proceed by the acrylic colour dried onto my hands before getting ready for the last day of the week

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I put on an outfit for school and applied minimum makeup including powder and mascara to hide the darkness under my eyes caused my sleep deprivation. Gathering my hair into a bun and lacing up my nike airforce, my phone began to vibrate from the overflow of text messages i was suddenly getting.


Beth I'm outside
You ready?
Dude answer your phone already!

Lee you still picking me up right after Beth?

Im on my way chill ,Im coming downstairs.

T,we'll be there in 10-15 minutes.

I flung my backpack over my shoulder and slid my phone into my back pocket before rushing downstairs ,The sound of my footsteps echoing on the wooden floors.

"Honey, dont forget to have breakfa-" my mom began before i cut her off .

"Morning, i really can't, i don't have much time.Lee is outside so i really need to go okay,but i love you,bye." I spoke without pause and a rather chaotic tone present in my voice.

I jumped into Leeahs car and throw my backpack between my legs in the front seat.

"Took you long enough" Lee joked.

"Im sorry ,my phone was on charge " I responded, truth behind my words.

"Whatever just please tell me you're coming to Bryces party tonight. Pretty pretty please. We need this. " she pleaded.

"Mmm I want to but like im not sure if I can."

"Because of Jamie? She's not gonna snitch on you . Get her to come with you then"

"Jamie and party don't go in the same sentence. Besides shes not gonna want to go to a highschool party before she leaves for college. She's in that entitled phase of her life right now."

Jamie isn't exactly known for her outgoing and wild personality. She's the kind of girl that prefers books instead of boys. Movies instead of parties and Fruit juice instead of Beer.
I don't blame her with the last one though, beer is fucking disgusting.

"If that's true,that would mean shes been going through her entitled phase for her entire highschool experience."

A too bubbly Talia bounced into the back seat and slammed the car door shut.

"Please tell me where stopping to get coffee,otherwise i swear I'm going to claw out my eyeballs" T said without greeting.

"Ew dude thats too graphic, stop being so dramatic "Lee complained out of pure disgust.

"Oh hey guys,hows everyone doing? We're great thanks and you bubs. Oh thats great.
Rude little bitch "I joked off playfully.

"Sorry but i was up all night doing my Physics notes because i have my mid term today. "She defended herself.

"Shit well pray for you today"

"No need. All I want is to go to Bryce Walkers tonight. Please can we go. Zach invited me and I really really like him guys."

"Zach Wilson?" I inquired

"Ew no . Im talking about Dempsey .I've never even spoken to Wilson before."

"Well im trying to get Beth over here to be there but she's being overly difficult today"
Lee rolled her hazel brown eyes at me.

"Fine okay I'll go!" I agreed eventually.

We pulled up at Liberty high after stopping for some ice cofee take aways as Lee searched for a parking space.
The school crawled with hormonal driven jocks,bitchy and airheaded cheerleaders, vsco girls and e-boys.

"Okay ,I love you girls but i need to get to first. See you tonight right?"Talia grabbed her bag and fixed her ponytail without waiting for a response.

"Meet me after school?"Lee asked.

"Sure. Can we stop by mine after school so i get just get my shit for tonight."

"Of course"Lee agreed with ease.

We both headed into the school and I first stopped by my locker to gather my books needed.

"Hey Beth!" I heard from across the hallway.

"Oh hey Standall. Shall we walk to first together?"

"Yeah. You got any plans for the weekend."

"I might go to that party tonight you should come with Jess."

"Actually im meeting her parents tonight for the first time. But on that thought maybe a drink after that is required."

"Well if you can you two should definitely pull through. "

I took a seat near the back of the class next to the one and only Montgomery De la cruz.

"Hey Beth, I wanna see you at Bryces tonight. " he winked.

"Don't get your hopes up buddy" I played off cool even though inside I was completely freaking out.

I have never had an actual conversation with him ,let alone flirted with him.
Simple explanation being ,well he's fucking hot.

However there was that one time in freshman year he got drunk at Melany Topez birthday party and tried to kiss me.
But i highly doubt he remembers that night anyway.

The day dragged along as usual as i waited in anticipation for the school day to end. Watching each minute on the clock tick away like a scene from High School musical.
Except without the unnecessary and irrelevant musical number and breaking out in spontaneous dance moves.

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