chapter four

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Before I was able to comprehend my surroundings ,Justin  grabbed my hand lacing them into his and pulled my towards him. Our bodies dancing in perfect rhythm to one another.

The space between us gradually becoming  non existent.

He cupped my face with him palm pulling me in tightly. Looking at my lips and back up at me again as permission. My lack of response and the fact that I couldn't resist his lips granted that permission to him.
The taste of sweet liquor present on our lips only added to the sensation I was experiencing.

We stood there. In front of everyone. Kissing. And he didn't even seem to care that there was a whole lot of attention being drawn to us. However if I think about,its probably the reason he kissed me in front of everyone-for attention. He's a jock and making out with someone  in the middle, the centre of everyone makes him seem more  "cool" than  he is already considered.

This type of stuff happens at parties so its not like I was exactly expecting anything to come from it. Maybe a couple more frequent greetings in the hallway. But nothing more than that.

I pulled back regretfully as I started to become self concious of this PDA,to see his lips forming what seemed to be a smile at the corner of his mouth.

This was a pleasant suprise to me as it in a way assured me that I had done a good job, if you could call it that.

"Why'd you stop?" He pouted playfully
"Am I not hot enough for you Bethany Bennett?" He smirked

"You're not as tempting as you think you are"

" I like you"

"You're a bad liar "I teased.

" So are you. You know I'm tempting you".

" I think this situation is in reverse Foley.
I  seem to be tempting you don't I?"

"Guess you've caught me out. But seriously kiss me again."he smiled.

" Are you always this cocky?" I flirted back .

"Stop talking" he said as he moved forward leaning in once again.

Our tounges fighting for dominance as our bodies swayed to the music that filled the room and smoke surrounded us from people letting their cigarettes burn out and those who puffed their smoke clouds above us, getting their high as their eyes turned bloodshot .

Talia and Zach were making out on the couch which left Leeah nowhere to be found.
I mentioned to Justin that I wanted to find her and to my suprise he informed that he saw her busy with Jeff.

"Wait ,Jeff Atkins?"

"Yes that Jeff."

"You mean her ex boyfriend Jeff?"

"They dated?"

"Yes ,so if she's with him that gives me more reason to check on her and ensure she isn't an emotional mess right now."

All he did was laugh at my manic state. And point out the girl sitting on the kitchen counting making out with the one and only Jeff Atkins.

"I think they're okay " he smiled.

"Come on, I wanna show you something"he whispered into my ear.

I downed the contents of my cup whuch degraded my vision and judgement once again because I took his hand as he led me outside.

"Where are we going?" I giggled.

"Be patient " he instructed to me.

"Fineeeeee,okay fine" I dragged out my words which gave away the fact that I was past tipsy and he slurred some response that I couldn't  hear properly which made me realise we were both extremely drunk.

With Our hands still intertwined,He pulled the sliding door open of Bryces pool house. 
He switched on one of the lamps giving us just enough light to see each other.

"You want another drink ?"he said as he grabbed himself another beer out of the bar fridge

"Lets do more shots!" I suggested as I sat on one of the bar stools.

"I dont think thats the best idea" he laughed at my irresponsible  suggestion.

"And why's that " I said plastering an innocent expression onto my face.

" Because then I'll want to do more than kiss you " he confessed while raking up and down my body.

"I'm not complaining am I Foley?" I responded with a seductive smile.

He did that head tilt he did earlier that drove me wild( for reasons I will never know )and walked over to grab the bottle of vodka, pouring the substance into two tall shot glasses from the shelf behind the bar.

He walked around and stood in front of me.  I spun around to face him on the chair. He handed me one glass and we downed our drinks together without breaking eye contact.

Justin took the glass out of my hand and leaned over me to place them on the table, however after placing them down he didn't move back like I had been half expecting him to.

He towered over me with his teeth biting his bottom lip which seemed to ignite a fire inside of me as a took a deep breath trying to calm myself.

"Fuck this " he breathed as he pulled me by my waist into him causing me to wrap my legs around him and linking my arms around him neck.

I licked my lips and copied his action of pulling my bottom lip inbetween my teeth softly.

Wasting no time our lips connected.
Slowly but lustfully our movements continued.
His hands snaking up the side of my skirt ,pulling me in by my love handles into his waist.
Sneakily he slipped his hand underneath my lacey underwear. Rubbing me gently and with a speed that was slow enough to crave more of him.

He swiftly moved me from the chair onto one of the long sofas inside the pool house ,with my legs and his grip keeping me up.

Our lips never disconnected unless he briefly moved down to kiss my neck.

His  touch alone drove me wild.

Once he found my sweet spot on my neck, I couldn't help but moan which only made him continue with more hast.

The red marks on our necks were prominent but in the moment ,the thought of how noticeable the hickeies we were  giving each other ,were the last thing on our minds. We basked in the lust and heat of moment.

His lips were sucking on the area right by the seam of my matching lace bra as two bodies stumbled into the pool house,interrupting the euphoric feeling of Justin Foleys lips travelling down my body.

"Woahhhhh, sorry we didn't know this space was occupied,should have put a sock on the door or something Foley" the tall figured laughed off.

"Fuck off Bryce. " Justin snapped,clearly annoyed by his friends seriously horrible sense of timing.

I sat up fixing my shirt and pulling down my skirt so that it wasn't lifted from when Justin began to move  his hands with his sensitive touch.

"This is my house bro" He relied in a joking manner used to irritated his friend.

"Dude seriously,please leave,we were here first man." He pleaded.

"Justin ,it's cool I think they've already  killed the mood" I admitted with a soft whisper into his ear.

With a long sigh he took my hand leading me back inside where the main party continued.

We stumbled back inside the doorway as I caught sight of Alex and Jessica through my peripheral vision.

"Alex! Jess! You're here!" I exclaimed

"You're drunk" Jess stated like the master of the fucking obvious.

"Very. And you know ,I think you should be too."I slurred my words.

"Hey were you just with Justin ?"Alex asked furrowing an eyebrow.

"Maybe yes ,maybe no "I began to tease them with the answer.

"I think its a yes" Jessica laughed.

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