chapter three

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I made my way outside to the school parking lot where I found Lee patiently waiting against her car door.

We got in simultaneously as I texted my mom my weekend plans because i knew she wouldn't be home when I grab my clothes .

Leeah pulled up in my driveway and I dug in my bag searching for my house keys because my sister wasn't home yet therfore everything was still closed.

I hurried upstairs and into my room and vigorously started throwing items of clothing and shoes into a bag along with things like my makeup and hair products as I heard Jamies car pull up outside.

Great. I whispered sarcastically to myself.

"Bethany!Beth you home? " she shouted out from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm in my room" I called back.

"Where are you heading off to?" She signalled my packed bags and rushed state.

"Leeahs for the weekend. Mom already knows."I assured her.

"Oh. Im guessing you're going to Bryce Walkers party tonight then" she looked down, judgment clearly plastered on her face as i just nodded in agreement before the judgement filled the foom.

"What now?" I sighed back at her in preparation for a lecture about my behaviour.

"Its just... I don't know. I guess I don't understand why you like going out so much. There's so much more to highschool then boys and parties. Its not even fun. All you're doing is surrounding yourself with people you don't like and scoffing down toxins into your body. Do you know what that does to you?" She spat in attempted desperation .

"Jamie, listen. I know that parties aren't exactly your scene but that doesn't give you the right to drag down what I enjoy."

"You're right, they aren't my scene and I wish they weren't yours. You're wasting yourself away."

"Woah okay hold up. I sincerely apologise for the fact that you cannot develop and conprehend a sense of fun. So back off. Its my life not yours." I replied on the verge of exploding.

I threw my my toothpaste and toiletries into my bag and zipped it up in an aggressive manner.

"I'll see you on Sunday Jamie. Enjoy your weekend."

She muttered something underneath her breath but I didn't have the energy to retaliate further.

I ran back downstairs and closing the front door behind me.

A couple of hours passed by that consisted of prep work for tonight like shaving,washing our hair and styling it into a down,sleek straight style.

I wouldn't be suprised if all our efforts took more than 3 hours. It was a lot of work after all in our defense.

After much debate and Lee planning 90% of my outfit, we came to an agreement for both of us. I felt actually really good tonight.

I slipped on my trusty black mid-boot heels and applied my makeup feeling more tham pleased with the result

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I slipped on my trusty black mid-boot heels and applied my makeup feeling more tham pleased with the result. I did a better job than usual.

We called an uber that was only 4 minutes away with the address of Bryce Walkers home.
In the couple minutes remaining we added our final sprits of perfume and scented creams and ensured our breathes smelled minty.

As the driver approached the house we could feel the ambience inside. Music blasting from the speakers and his front lawn was already covered in those famous red party cups you see at every party every thrown and empty beer bottles.

With the payment of our uber made we climbed out and walked into together, stepping over a boy sprawled in front of the door from his over intoxication.

We greeted everyone we knew from our school and I decided to find something besides beer to drink. I wandered into the kitchen and saw the display of various alcohols spread out on the island.
I mixed myself a drink and took a couple shots of vodka to create a buzz within my body.

Out of my peripherals I saw the one and only Montgomery. He approached with a smile that could make a girl melt.
Beside him was Justin Foley.
I've only really spoken to Justin at paries. At school we're nothing more than peers that occasionally greet each other from time to time.

"You made it." He cheered," but no sister Bennett I see".

"I made it ,but Parties aren't Jamies scene,she made that very clear to me today."

"Thats probably because she doesn't want the hotter sister to upstage her. "Justin added in and smirked.

"Excuse me" he had me taken back at his comment and sudden involvement in the conversation.

"Oh come on you know its true. You're... you know,well you, and she's like Jamie." He explained

"You know you're being rude right ?" I defended.

"Well this got heated real quick" he quickly disconnected himself from the two of us and made his way to some other girl I saw him hanging around when i walked in.

"okay okay I'm sorry but it's just what everyone thinks you know. "He said in attempt to diffuse the situation.

I looked down taking a sip of my drink without a response.

"Im just glad you could make it. I knew Monte would make it happen for me."

"Firstly Montgomery didn't make me come. I was already planning on coming to this."

"Well either way,you're pretty cool Bennett"

"I bet you say that to all the girls" I laughed.

"Not all." He smirked in confession.

"Yeah yeah "I rolled my eyes playfully.

"How about some shots?"he suggested

"I just had thanks."I declined.

"Come one just one."he said tilted his his backwards which added to the temptation and I eventually gave in.

One shot turned into two and two into three until eventually we hit 7 each.
Lets just say I wasn't exactly coherent in that current state of being.

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