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"Daddy!" Beth exclaimed as she ran over to Puck and hugged his leg.

"Hey, mini Q." Puck smiled as he picked Beth up and kissed her cheek before putting her on his hip. He walked over to Finn and Rachel. "Hey, guys."

"Hey." Finn said softly.

"Thanks for getting here so fast." Rachel responded.

Puck frowned at Rachel's red, puffy eyes. He put Beth down and looked at Rachel. "What are the doctors saying?"

"Mostly that Beth's lucky she wasn't with her." Rachel answered.

"They want Rachel to make a decision about life support." Finn added. "Since Beth's too young."

"Do they think she has a chance?" Puck wondered. "To recover, I mean."

"No." Rachel shook her head. "She's basically brain dead."

Puck bit his lip and looked at Beth, who had wandered down the hall to the elevators to wait for Quinn. Beth was only four and a half. She wasn't supposed to have to go through this. It wasn't fair.

"What are you gonna do?" Puck asked.

"I don't think I really have a choice." Rachel shrugged. "I talked to my dads and Finn's mom and they all think that it's the only thing to do."

"But what about Beth?" Puck questioned Rachel.

"I'm sure Shelby has a will." Rachel said. "So whatever she wanted will be done."

"That's not what I meant." Puck shook his head. "Did either of you tell her what's going on? And really explain it to her?"

Finn and Rachel slowly shook their heads.

"Can I?" Puck requested. "Before it's done."

"If you think she'll understand it." Rachel nodded as she got up and walked away, heading back inside Shelby's room.

"Has she seen Shelby?" Puck asked Finn.

Finn shook his head. "Rachel didn't think it was a good idea with all those wires and stuff."

"B, let's go find Mama Quinn." Puck said, calling down the hallway to Beth. "I wanna talk to you about something, okay?"

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