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"Okay, so how do we sit shiva?" Quinn asked, looking at Puck. "They've been gone, like, a half hour and we haven't done anything yet."

"Right, well, they have the funeral and then the burial, so they'll be gone at least two hours." Puck replied.

"What do we have to do?" Blaine wondered.

"Usually, it would've been at Shelby's place, but since we're doing it here, we have to clean up a little." Puck explained. "We need water for people to wash their hands with when they come inside. And Rachel's gonna bring back a candle to light for Shelby."

"So we need, like, a bucket of water?" Kurt asked.

"Basically." Puck shrugged. "We also have to cover all the mirrors."

"Why?" Quinn asked.

"It's a reminder to not be vain." Puck answered. "And a reminder that the person who died is the focal point and we should be using our energy to mourn them instead of focusing on our appearances."

"Blaine and I can start covering the mirrors and getting the water bucket." Kurt decided.

Quinn looked at Puck. "What about food?"

"I got that covered. Berry texted me a list after they left." Puck responded. "Hard-boiled eggs, lentils, and bread."

"Okay." Quinn nodded slowly. "Anything else I should know?"

Puck raised his eyebrow.

"About shiva." Quinn clarified. "I wanna make sure I don't do anything wrong, and I wanna learn because this is Beth's heritage."

"There's only one thing I'm worried about you doing wrong." Puck said, flashing a cheeky smile.

"What's that?" Quinn wondered.

"Mourners aren't supposed to have sex until shiva is over." Puck smirked.

"Noah." Quinn smiled and rolled her eyes. "I think we'll be able to control ourselves."

"Why'd you assume if you're having sex, it's with me?" Puck asked.

"Shut up." Quinn said. "Just get me through this, okay?"

"I'll make sure you don't do anything wrong." Puck promised. "Just make sure you take a seat and stay quiet when Rachel gets back. After she talks, then you can give her condolences or whatever."

"Okay." Quinn nodded. "Thanks, Puck."

Puck nodded back. "I'm gonna go get the food together. Can you see if Kurt and Blaine need help?"


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