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Puck held Beth's hand as they walked into the hospital cafeteria. They made their way through the room until they found Quinn, who was seated at one of the tables.

"Hey." Puck said softly as he and Beth joined Quinn.

"Hey." Quinn repeated as she wiped her eyes. "I was just about to go back upstairs."

"I figured we'd come down and get her something to eat." Puck replied, lowering his voice as he leaned closer to Quinn. "When we go back up, I'm gonna talk to her about what's going on."

"You think she'll understand it?" Quinn asked softly.

"She's smart. She understands that we're her biological parents." Puck said with a shrug.

"Daddy, help me." Beth said as she held out her juicebox.

Puck put the straw in the juicebox and handed it back to Beth. "Here. Say thank you to Mama Quinn."

"Thank you." Beth smiled as she sipped her juice, oblivious to why they were even there in the first place.

"Beth, I got you a sandwich." Quinn said as she moved the plate towards Beth. "You like peanut butter and jelly, don't you?"

Beth shook her head and continued sipping her juice.

"She doesn't like jelly." Puck said as he got up. "I'll get her something."

Puck walked to the line of food and grabbed one of the little cereal packs and a small milk carton. He returned to the table and sat down beside Beth.

"Sorry. I thought she liked peanut butter and jelly." Quinn mumbled.

"It's okay. No big deal." Puck responded as he opened the Cookie Crisp cereal and poured the milk in before handing Beth a spoon. "Don't tell Rachie, okay?"

Beth grinned as she took the spoon and started eating.

Puck looked at Quinn, who still looked upset. He took her hand and squeezed it. "She's picky, Q. Not a big deal."

Quinn bit her lip and nodded slowly as she watched Beth.

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