I am the reason

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I was sitting alone in my room, I had that scholarship with me but David's pale face and him getting stock out for having any further reasons for my life's worth overshadowed everything that I had earned with David in the past few days.

I was so lost that day,  After helping Mother Grace with her work, I stepped towards college and didn't wait for David. I directly reached out to the library, to find some peace for me I collected all the books which talk about the universe and started reading them. I used to feel loose when I read about the universe.

I felt a tap on my right shoulder, but couldn't find anyone standing there as I looked back at the book, David was resting his head on it. I could smell that gentle fragrance from his hair,  he had some tint of lavender in his hairs which was taking me away but I kept my focus and slid my book pushing his soft-haired head slowing at the side.
"Where were you, I looked for you everywhere.. "He asked like a child.


Okay no worries, you come with me... David winked and held my hand in his, pulled me towards our computer lab.

Where are you taking me, David, this is not the right time. I'm not feeling...

He shushed me "I have to show you something"

We were alone in the lab. These labs were improperly ventilated, makes it smell weird so you feel sick if you stay some time in there. No doubt why the labs are empty.

David made me sit at the third PC in the first row, strange we could've sat on the very first one. Anyways he plugged in headphones and asked me to put one earphone in my right ear, while he had one in his left ear.

He played a tape.

It seemed to be an old recording of a wedding. It was a little shaky because the cameraman was walking while recording the video. As soon the tape had clear vision
my breath stopped for a while, I felt a wave passing down my spine. After I saw the bride...

I saw that it was my mother and my father. It was their wedding clip. My mother had that long-sleeved white fluffy satin dress with beautiful lace on it, and sparkling tiara on her head with all groomed up hairs. My father had that black tuxedo on him.

I've never seen anything that perfect and happy together.

They looked very much similar to my blurred memories of them.

My father was holding my mum from her waist and was so ready to give her a peck on her rosy cheek...but I stopped the video.

Throwing that earphone on the desk. I ran towards the college ground as there must be no one present. David followed me, tears were dropping by with each step I took.

I was so depressed I don't know what David wanted to make me realize, by showing that video to me. I already am alone, he made me feel I am living a solitary life, without parents. I never had expected this from David, I had many grievances against him at that moment which made me forget the happy time I had with him.

Suddenly David approached me, he pulled me with his hand into his arms. He gave me that bone-crushing hug, to calm me down, he wanted to understand what I had in my mind, but I was restless. I pushed him back. I cleared my vision by rubbing my eyes with my sleeve but I was still crying

"Why David... why you always bring my parents and wish me to realize that they are not with me" Anymore.

"But they looked so happy in that clip so I felt it would cheer you up" David seemed perplexed.

" Yes they were happy, I was the one who brought bad luck to their lives, I am the reason behind their death. Thank you for making me realize this" I screamed.

David came closer to me, " No Jessie, that was not my intention. Don't blame yourself for anything. You are here for a reason, your parents were happy that day that too holds some reason behind. You being not in that car with your parents that is for a reason too... "

As David finished his sentence, I slapped him.

"Do you even have any idea about why my parents were in that car... Do you know anything about my life except the fact I'm an orphan? They were in that car because I forced them to bring another gift for my birthday, they loved me so much that they immediately went together to bring a gift for me. I am the reason.! David. If I could've managed for not being a jerk that day then maybe... maybe, I had chance of having my mum waiting for me to get back from college, or my Dad bringing books for me.
Everyone doesn't get to live a perfect life like you."
"So don't you dare to justify my parent's death to anything, you don't have any rights to talk about me or my parents "

David said nothing but kept on looking at me when I began to walk far from him. I left him there... Alone...

This was something which I had no control over, I don't know if what I did was right or wrong but I was hurt.


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