April, Senior year.

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It's once again 3am and I am losing all my dinner from last night, when this happened the first couple of times I thought I may have caught a bad bug. After two weeks of it I went to the dr. Being a werewolf you rarely get sick. Being a responsible adult in college who doesn't have a steady boyfriend or a mate, you can imagine my surprise when the dr told me that I should be expecting the middle to end of August, that's right, you heard me properly, me an unmated, unmarked wolf will be having a pup. How the heck I managed this is beyond me, I'm miss careful, always has a backup plan, made it to senior year college without so much as a hiccup is constantly setting the good example my parents expect and now....

So let's go back a month, my longtime roommate and only friend Jacey decided that we needed to get out for Spring Break this year, its our last year together and after May we will both be taking jobs and will never get another chance to just be young, in the moment and have some fun. Well fun turned out to be a weeks worth of non-stop partying on the beach, nights that we will never remember, guys we hope to never see again. One such night I met a guy had a little too much and he was gone the next day. Jacey had convinced me to give him a false name with a bad number and he believes I reside in Alaska. How did I let things get so out of hand, the betas oldest child I am supposed to be on top of things. I was always the one to keep Jacey out of trouble when she had wild ideas, I kept us from going to jail the night she trashed our HS rivals field the night before their Homecoming game, kept her from running off to Mexico with a boy she swore she couldn't live without. And now I am sitting here trying to find a way to get a hold of a one night stand that probably remembers me as much as I do him, barely at all.

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