Chapter 1 Nightmares

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Fixing the whole story yal an episode will be posted everyday....

"Rogers you really getting on my nerves'she said annoyed
'Well I am proud of that'He said getting one more time in her way

Natasha POV:

I opened my eyes and tried get off bed but my handcuff held me in place.I looked around it was just another nightmare I was in my room I was at the avengers tower 'You are a monster' The voices kept repeating in my head I curled in my bed with my knees on my face trying to get the voices to stop but I couldn't they got even louder.I need to do something to stop the voices.I unlocked the handcuff and winced in a little pain as my wrist were red from the damaged.

"I deserve all the pain"

I walked to my closet and dressed in a black shirt and black tight leggings.I walked out of the room heading to the training room I need to take out the anger the pain.I walked out of my room but in this floor there were two rooms mine and his.Steve Grant Rogers the super soldier that I can't take of my mind 'love is a weakness Natalia' I kept saying herself.

"He must be asleep at this hour"I thought as I touched his door with my hand hoping I could feel his presence 

I started punching bags after bags feeling the pain in my arms made me satisfy.My hands were bleeding but I liked seeing my own blood in my hands 'You are made of marble' the voices didn't stop.

"Nightmares?"a voice came from behind and i knew exactly who was it.

I turned around to see him the tall gorgeous muscular blond blue eye god staring at me I was so lost.

Steve's POV:

I couldn't take much sleep my dreams were usually beautiful thinking about the red haired woman.But tonight I had a nightmare I hadn't had one in months.I heard a soft knocked on the door but nobody knocked it was actually Natasha's soft hand.I could feel it I putted me mine as well to feel her she was awake.I went down the stairs grabbed a water bottle and headed to the training room to see the lights open.My eyes instantly fell on the red head woman that was punching angrily the bags something was really bothering her. I was so worried about her. 'If you could let me in your bares' I though.She wasn't the one to really talk she wasn't the one that opened up she wasn't the one that would show her emotions but I kept trying to come closer she always pushed him away.

"Nightmares?"I asked as she turned to see me
"Yes"she said looking back at the bag
"Are you okay?"I asked worried
"I am fine"she said hitting more

She was hurting herself blood was coming out of her hands but she didn't stop.

"Natasha stop"I said getting in front of her
"You really getting on my nerves Rogers"she said trying to get me out of the way
"Well I am really proud of it"I said worried

I touched her soft hands to see the damage and she winced a little in pain but didn't let me go see it.She relaxed in my hands.

"Please let me wrap that"I begged
"Okay"she said

We walked to the bench as I run and got the first aid.I wrapped her hands carefully not to hurt her and she was staring at me the whole time.

Natasha's POV:

'Stop you idiot you are making me weak' she though as he wrapped her arms.

"You wanna talk about it?"He asked as I laid my head on the wall behind them.
"No"I said
"Okay"He said smiling

Tears developed in my eyes I couldn't keep it anymore all the pain everything.He hugged me so tight I felt safe for the first time.

"I am here I got you"He said

'I got you' these words got in my head

I Hugged him back tight I felt safe in his arms.

Steve closed his eyes it felt so good to have her in his arms so protective.She is a broken soul that needs help getting fixed and he really wanted to do that he wanted to be the one to help her he loves her.

It was 6am and the others soon started waking up.Wanda walked into the training room to say to however was there that breakfast is ready.When she saw them her heart melt they were so perfect for each other.

"Breakfast guys"Wanda said and left the room

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Next chapter soon....

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