Part 18 daddy?

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Isn't the photo adorable? Sister love!
Anyways enjoy!

"Mommy?"little Anthony searches his mother

Natasha started woke up after laying on Steve's chest they were still on the couch.

"Mommy please I am scaled"Anthony said one more time
"I am here baby don't be scared mommy is here"Natasha said taking her little son in her arms he hugged her neck tight scared of letting her go
"What about we go and eat some breakfast?"she asked her little son kissing his hands

Little Anthony nodded as she took him for a bath before they get ready for the day.

"No mommy I want the iron man hoodie"Anthony said pointing at his favorite hoodie
"Okay"Natasha laughed because Anthony was Steve's son and he loved iron man

Then he wrapped his little hands on her neck to carry her which she did.They walked down the stairs she smiled at the sight of sleeping Steve but Anthony was confused.

"Mama who's this?"he asked innocent
"He is mommy's friend let's not wake him up okay?"she said
"Okay mommy I am hungly"he said
"Just a moment baby"she said

She approached Steve putting a blanket on top of him and then walked with Anthony in the kitchen to make some breakfast.

She putted little Anthony on the counter as he helped his mother make the pancakes.He was trying and he was actually good at it like his father.

"Okay what do you want on top?"she asked
"I want I wanna stlawberries and chocolate"he said excited
"Okay here"she said handing him the products

He happily put it on top of his pancakes and looked at his mother who nodded.

"Can you help me decorate Steve's pancakes?"she asked

Anthony nodded excited and they started decorate together Steve plate he was still sleeping and they had closed the kitchen door not to wake him up.

"Good job baby lets take them to the table and get some milk okay?"she asked
"Yes mommy"he said taking his plate carefully on the table

Natasha smiled so much her little son was her life he was so sweet so pure so innocent just like his father.

"Let's go wake up Steve so we can eat"she said

Anthony started running to Steve to wake him up he wanted to eat his pancakes.

"Steve Steve wakey up"Anthony said trying to wake him up
"mommy he doesn't wakey up what do we do?"he asked looking at his mother
"I know a way"she said started to kiss Steve on the cheek
"Mommy look he is wakey"he said as he kissed his father on the other cheek making him wake up

Steve opened his eyes seeing his son and his love trying to wake him up they were so cute his heart melt.

"Steve wakey let's eat"Anthony yelled as he run to the kitchen Steve's smile fainted his son didn't even recognize him
"Steve come"Natasha said taking his hand they walked to the kitchen where Anthony was sitting waiting for them.

Steve smiled as he saw the plate with the pancakes they had decorate the blueberries into a smiley face.

Anthony was looking suspicious at Steve trying to remember something.He knew about Natasha he knew she was the black widow and that made him excited.

"Mommy can I go play?"Anthony asked finishing his food
"Sure baby"she said
"Tank you"he said kissing her cheek

Anthony left leaving Steve and Natasha alone she looked at her son and then at Steve who was staring at her.

"What?"she asked
"Excuse me is he wearing iron man hoodie?"steve asked
"He loves iron man not my fault"she said laughing
"I can't believe it"he said pretended to be hurt

But then his smile fainted and Natasha saw it.

"Hey what's wrong?"she asked
"He doesn't even know I am his dad I have missed so much of his life he is so precious Natasha"Steve said sadly
"Everything will be okay we will tell him"she said
"But will he be happy?"Steve asked worried
"Of course he will and for the record he loves more captain America and so do I"she whispered smirking
"I know you do"Steve said smirking

She gave him a kiss on the lips and nodded him to go to Anthony.Who was watching cartoons.

"Hey buddy can I watch with you?"Steve asked
"Yea Steve"Anthony said making space for him

"Steve do you want me to tell you a secret?"Anthony asked
"Yes sure"Steve said
"Mommy is the black widow"He said
"What wow how do you know?"steve asked
"She told me and captain America is my daddy"Anthony said

Steve smiled at his son he was so smart.

"But you are captain America I know you are you my daddy?"Anthony asked
"Do you want me to be?"steve asked
"Yes I want my daddy"Anthony's said sobbing

Natasha had walked into the room at this emotional moment and sat in their knees in front of him.

"Baby look at him he is your daddy he is here give him a big hug"Natasha said

Anthony looked at Steve and with his tears he hugged Steve.Steve sobbed and hugged his little son this was one of the best moment in his life.He brought Natasha to his lap and they did a family hug they all have been waiting so long for this.

"Daddy please don't go"Anthony sobbed
"Never"Steve said kissing both their foreheads

After adoring his little family of three they agreed to go and eat outside and then they watched a movie like a family.

"Anthony it's time to sleep"Natasha said
"No I don't wanna go to sleep"Anthony said
"Daddy won't go he will be here when you wake up"Natasha said
"You promise?"Anthony said
"Promise please listen to your mommy"Steve said
"Okay"Anthony said as Natasha picked him up

She walked upstairs with Steve behind them putting him to sleep.

"Song mommy"Anthony said

She started singing to her little son hoping he will get to sleep earlier.Steve watched and listen to them from the door of Anthony's room.

Just then someone was knocking on the door.

"I will get that"Steve said


Aww isn't that cute?
They finally together but who is at the door this time at night?
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