Part 17 missed you

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I don't know about you but I live in Europe I am writing this at 4am!
Lol enjoy!

"Reveal yourself or I will shoot you"Natasha said holding her gun "I have seen you again what do you want from us"She asked worried.

Steve slowly turned around it was time for her to see him.

"Nat it's me it's okay"He said
"Stev- Steve is that you?"She asked she let tears fall and hugged him tight Steve was surprised by the hug but he missed her so bad he hugged her so hard.
"I missed you beautiful"Steve said
"I missed you too"Natasha said sobbing
"Hey I am here"He said caressing her hair she took his face in her hands as she let her tears fall.
"You let beard"She said
"Yea I did do you like it?"he asked
"Yea I love it"she said

She hugged him again and again she couldn't believe he was here.

"I can't believe you came how are you how are the others?"She asked

"Well Clint is with his family all the time they sent many kisses Wanda is with Vision now she missed you so much And well you know Tony is with pepper and their daughter Morgan who is 3 Thor is on Asgard and Bruce is with him"Steve said

"And what about you Steve how is your family?"she asked looking at her ground

"I missed you so much Natasha you can't imagine how much I didn't believe that you left me I thought it was my fault for so long I tried to stop myself for thinking about you I can't and I don't want to Natasha I love you and nobody can change that you and my son are my family I came back to take you home"Steve said with tears in his eyes

"Steve I never stopped missing you you know I love you with all of my heart of course it's not your fault I am so sorry"she said sobbing

"Hey I am here now I am taking you home"He said wiping her tears
"Steve you are my home"she said hugging him
"Natasha I love you please let me be a part of your life of our sons life"he said
"Steve I don't know"She said looking at him
"I promise nobody is gonna hurt you"he said

She hugged him tight "I am scared Steve but please don't leave"she said
"I won't never again"he said
"I need to tell you why I left I own you"she said
"Shh no you don't need I know already you left cause you loved me Sharon told me everything I will never let someone ruin us Natasha"he said
"Steve I missed you so much"she said
"I missed you too love"he said hugging her again

"Natasha tell me about you about our son what happened after you left"Steve asked
"Well Scot helped me I was pregnant then we came here Moscow this is my old home I stayed here to raise our son it's safe and I would let you get married and have a beautiful life but I couldn't handle it anymore"she said
"Natasha I am sorry are you and Scot a thing?"Steve asked

"What no Steve I can't love anyone else"she said cupping his face
"I love your Natasha"he said
"I love you too Steve"she said
"Natasha Sharon told me that you lost the baby our son I lost my mind back then I couldn't believe it I kept blaming myself"he said looking down
"Oh Steve I am so sorry I couldnt I was pregnant it was dangerous for the baby that's why I just left"she said cupping his face

"You will love Anthony he is just like you Steve your eyes our hair mixed he is strong like you he wants to be a hero he wants to help people he is so like you when I look at his eyes I see you Steve he already knows a lot about you I told him a lot but he doesn't know that you are captain america of course"she said smiling as Steve smiled
"Thank you Natasha so that's his name Anthony"Steve smiled
"Anthony Grant Rogers"she said
"I can't wait to meet him I have missed two years of his life his birth I should have been there for you for him Natasha you needed me and I was nowhere"Steve said looking at the floor
"Steve stop blaming yourself it's my fault and you are actually here now that's what matters"she said

"I love you Natasha Romanoff"he said smiling
"I love you too Steve Grant Rogers"she said smiling

He took her face and they kissed passional they missed each other they missed that feeling love. He missed her lips she missed his touch but now they were together again and nothing is gonna stop them from being together.


What do you think Anthony's reaction will be?
Is there anyone anything that's gonna try to keep them apart?
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Next chapter soon...

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