Chapter 1

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*WARNING! It: Chapter Two Spoilers!*
This is a sequel to What Lies Beneath! Read that before proceeding!
Enjoy xoxoxo

Memories are a fickle thing. They only exist for as long as you can hold onto them. Sometimes you're able to recall them at a moment's notice. Other times, they're set aside, long forgotten, until some kind of recognition sparks your recollection and it all comes back to you like puzzle pieces fitting together.

Trying to hold onto the memories of your life while you slept was like trying to catch smoke. The more you tried to keep them close, the more they seemed to escape you. They were quickly replaced by animalistic urges that you couldn't quite understand, and yet, somehow it felt right.

What you once referenced as emotions were now something else entirely. Similar to feelings, but now it was deeper - consuming your very soul... if you even had one. Fear, anger, longing, grief, and so much more were circulating through your internal system, triggering a carnal need to act on your urges; to satiate them in any way possible, consequences be damned.

Something was prodding at you - a thorn in your side so to speak. It was gnawing at your subconscious telling you to collect yourself and to become alert. Flashes of foreign images crept into your mind that were drawing you in, making you want to investigate. Violence, blood, fear, distress - a perfect concoction for your ideal situation, one that you desired to immerse yourself in.

A tingling sensation crawled across your skin, distracting you from your beautiful dream. It wouldn't cease, causing you to stir, pushing the images further and further away in your subconscious. You wanted to chase them - to relish in them like snuggling under a warm blanket, but as soon as you felt you had a grasp on them, they faded, and you began to regain consciousness.

Your eyes flickered open, focusing on your dark surroundings. The air around you was thick and humid with a staleness you found yourself enjoying. The sounds of droplets of water verberating off of the stone walls around you mixed with the whistle of wind making its way through the cracks in the foundation of your underground den were like a haunting symphony, calling you back to life.

"You're awake."

A voice like silk beckoning you back to life cut through the air, making your entire body shiver with desire as you turned to address the alluring sound.

Staring back at you were two beautiful blue eyes shining brightly in the darkness, the edges crinkled from the grin adorning his face. There was a certain sinister gleam in his eyes, but also a longing that you could feel in the very depth of your body, calling out to you with a desperate need.

This was familiar to you. The absurdity of it all was alarming, and yet comfortable. The creature that stood before you brought back feelings that you had not only recognized, but also delighted in. However, the word escaped you. There was a name for him - a category that he had fit into that you couldn't put your finger on.

As you continued to struggle to place him, odd feelings crept into your mind that didn't feel like they belonged given your current situation. Wickedness, lust, hunger, and just a genuine giddiness that consumed you to the point that you couldn't help but feel calm and placated as you strained to remember how you knew this being.

You noticed by his expression that he was determining the reason for your hesitation. That's when a word started ringing through your mind repeatedly.


Realization washed over you like a tidal wave, forcing the air out of your lungs as you released a breath that you didn't realize you were holding. You lifted yourself from the bed, your bones cracking with stiffness as you stretched out your limbs, aching from being still for such a lengthy period of time.

The Dark Of You: Sequel to What Lies BeneathWhere stories live. Discover now