Chapter 10

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Sleep had become a strange and infrequent occurrence. As a human, you needed sleep every night in order to recharge. As you were now, sleep was optional. At least... until your body forced you to hibernate for almost thirty years at a time. However, other than that, it wasn't something that you needed in order to obtain energy on a daily basis. Instead, it was similar to deep meditation. You could fall into unconsciousness and feel the world around you in a more profound way than you ever could before. Alternatively, you could turn it all off and reflect in complete silence, utterly undisturbed by your own thoughts or the thoughts of those around you.

A tickling sensation on your lower belly brought you back to reality after you had slipped into your meditative state following the lengthy and physically demanding make-up sex between you and your mate. Your eyes fluttered open as you looked down to see Pennywise laying on your chest, using your breasts as his own personal pillows as he traced patterns with the pads of his fingers on the exposed skin of your stomach. His deep purr was vibrating against your torso, comforting you as you both lay there peacefully.

Sensing your alertness, he ceased his movements and slid down to your pelvis, turning around so that he could face you. Stretching your limbs, you groaned in satisfaction as the tightness in your muscles gave way before you became comfortable again, grinning at your love.

"You have the cutest nose," you blurted out, unable to stop yourself.

"It's not my nose," he replied nonchalantly, not at all flattered by your compliment.

Rolling your eyes, you sighed in annoyance, "I know it's not your actual nose. But, the nose that you chose for your human form is adorable and honestly, I'm kind of obsessed with it."

He wrinkled his nose and scowled at you as if the thought of you focusing on that part of him made him uncomfortable. Much to his dismay, the action made you swoon over the cuteness even more, making you giggle.

Hoping to distract you, he slithered further up your body until he was fully laying on top of you while he crossed his arms over your chest, propping his head up as he gazed at you. "How do you feel?"

Narrowing your eyes suspiciously, you replied, "You know how I feel. You know everything that's in my mind, all the time."

"Formalities," he commented candidly as he shrugged his shoulders, the action so human that it caught you off guard.

Smiling, you caressed his face with your fingers, contentment flooding through you. "I'm happy."

The corner of his full lips stretched into a grin at your remark as he lifted up and kissed you deeply. You wrapped your legs around his hips to pull him closer to you as he continued to kiss you longingly for a few minutes until he shifted and lay beside you, his eyes searching yours while your mind wandered.

"No," he answered your unspoken question. "This changes nothing."

Your face fell at his response. Concerns of the Losers harming - or worse, killing the two of you plagued your mind. It's not like they kept their plans to maim or murder Pennywise a secret, but you doubted that they knew that would harm you as well. You couldn't help but wonder if that would even matter. Was it more important to them to end Pennywise, even if it meant your death as well?

His fingers found their way into your hair, twirling the soft strands around his long digits as he continued addressing your troubling thoughts. "They are insignificant humans. They won't kill us."

"But... are they capable of killing us?" you pressed, still not convinced of your safety. "Is there any chance that they actually can?"

He frowned, refusing to meet your eyes as he answered, "Yes. They can."

You worried your lip, unable to stop yourself from picturing all the ways they could possibly slaughter the two of you, but it only made Pennywise chuckle, earning a glare from you in return. "Silly, silly, silly. They don't know our secret. They can slice, and carve, and cut all they want, but they are no match for the Eater of Worlds."

"So, they can kill us, but you're not concerned? Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

He cocked his head, grinning at you with an amused gleam in his eye. "No, my dearest. We are eternal. To end us is nearly impossible. Too far beyond the comprehension of humans."

The Dark Of You: Sequel to What Lies BeneathWhere stories live. Discover now