Chapter 5

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The delectable scent of human flesh was potent in the air once Pennywise teleported the two of you out of the cave and into a dark corridor surrounded by metal frames. You were a bit thrown off by the roaring cheers of a large crowd close to you since you weren't able to physically see them. The thoughts and fears of the nearby people quickly invaded your mind, causing you to falter a bit, but once you focused all of your energy, you were able to force them down for the time being. Though the action left you with a splitting headache, you were grateful for the progress you had made in such a short amount of time. Pennywise granted you an approving grin as he noticed your acclimation.

Turning your attention to your surroundings, you attempted to decipher your whereabouts. Despite your ability to see perfectly in the dark, you were still clueless as to where Pennywise had brought you. "Where are we?"

He nodded his head towards the direction of the boisterous crowd, indicating that you should see for yourself. Rounding the corner of the corridor, you saw streaks of light through the metal frames. After edging closer and looking through the open slots in the frames, you realized that you were standing under bleachers filled with humans who were watching a local sporting event.

Turning back to Pennywise, you gave him a skeptical glare. "How is this supposed to help me?"

"Relax," he insisted. "You have to know how to separate the fears in your mind and control your abilities. I will show you how it is done. Children are the best example."

"We're at a high school football game," you pointed out cynically. "High schoolers aren't exactly what I would refer to as children."

"They aren't the targets," he corrected, giving you a scrutinizing look. "In time, you will learn how to feel the energy of not only the residents of Derry, but the town as a whole. I am connected to everything and everyone. I can sense who the best targets are, and where they are located at all times. There's a perfect victim here."

It irked you when he spoke as if he knew all the answers to questions you hadn't even thought to ask yet. Though he was clearly trying to educate you, it made you feel small. Reluctantly, you inquired further. "You were lured here by a child? I can't imagine there's any kid who would send out signals wanting to be frightened to death and then eaten."

He gave you a wry smile with what you could swear was mixed with a look of pity before he replied. "It's not that kind of attraction. I can sense who are the easiest targets because of their weaknesses. I choose my victims based on how likely they are to fall for my advances. I brought us here because there is a child here who is easily swayed."

"Okay, that makes sense, but the point is to practice, right? We're not here to kill anyone. This is just an exercise to filter thoughts and fears so I'm not overwhelmed. Isn't that why we're here?" Your eyes narrowed at him as you waited for an answer.

Pursing his lips, he paused for a moment before responding as his eyes danced with amusement. "Of course."

Something was off about all of this. The way he carried himself with ease through what should have been a tense moment unnerved you, but you had figured that it was due to your reluctance to put yourself in this situation in the first place. Pennywise was the only one who had experience with this, and you weren't going to learn any other way than by exposing yourself to this stuff little by little.

"So, what's the first step?"

Grinning wickedly, he licked his lips before proceeding. "We're going to try a different approach this time."

That did nothing to ease your nervousness. "In what way?"

"Not every hunt requires changing your shape. You have the ability to lure your prey without fear. All it takes is to pinpoint their weaknesses." His eyes flared yellow while simultaneously red lines began etching into his face to reveal his clown form. "This appearance lets me lure children without having to change into their specific internal fear."

The Dark Of You: Sequel to What Lies BeneathWhere stories live. Discover now