Chapter 7

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This chapter has some super dark elements in it. This might not be for everyone. Be advised.

You leapt off of the bed, scurrying away from your mate before turning to face him, maintaining a defensive position. "Pennywise... back off."

His full lips curled into a smirk as he began to pace slowly, a low rumble heard from deep in his chest that indicated his longing and intentions.

"You shouldn't have barged in and taken me like that. I was doing just fine until you showed up and scared the shit out of them! They already think you're a brute and a barbarian. You're just proving them right. I won't let you hurt them!"

He giggled, causing a shiver to run down your spine. Whether it was from fear or arousal, you didn't know. "The thoughts of my prey do not concern me. What does concern me is that delicious smell coming from between your legs."

As if on cue, a fresh wave of heat coursed through your body and went straight to your core, creating another gush of fluid to run down your thighs. You flushed red with embarrassment, wanting nothing more than to jump into a pool of cold water to ease the warmth, not at all enjoying the uncomfortable physical effects of your apparent heat.

"Such a waste..." he sighed, shaking his head while he began to circle you like a carnivore closing in on its meal. "You think they still care for you." It wasn't a question, but his statement caught you off guard.

"Of course they do," you argued, paying close attention to his movements, readying yourself for whatever he had planned.

"Do they?" he countered, peeling his lips back to reveal his glistening teeth in an amused smile.

You glared at him, not having the energy to argue while your body was screaming at you in a way that you hadn't experienced before. You felt light-headed and it was taking all you had to stand up straight, refusing to curl in on yourself and fall to the ground in agony like you desperately wanted to.

Showing an enormous amount of restraint, Pennywise continued to circle you at a leisurely pace. "My, my, my. Your little friends have changed, haven't they?" He mocked, earning an involuntary growl from the back of your throat, causing him to chuckle in return. "Does it hurt? Does it break you? My pitiful lover. So sad to see how eager they were to rid themselves of you."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Couldn't wait to get rid of you, hmm? Oh, yes. How careless they were to let me take you, not even bothering to try. Your little friends know. Yes, yes, know that they die if they try."

His calm and collected way of speaking was long gone as he had taken on his eerily familiar persona, despite the fact that he was still in his human form. "They weren't careless, they were terrified," you argued. "You can't blame them for that."

"Oh, but do you think they would so easily let me take another? That they wouldn't fight for each other? What if I had taken, say... Richie?" Your eyes flashed at him in warning, but he simply smiled and edged closer to you, not feeling threatened in the slightest. Instead, he continued to taunt you. "Poor, sweet thing. No one wants to play with you anymore. But don't be sad. I'll play with you."

It was obvious that there was a bit of truth to his mockery. They didn't see you as one of them anymore. You had willingly chosen to mate with Pennywise and leave them behind. Hell, you had openly declared your love for him in front of everyone before your long rest. You could sense the betrayal and hurt from them the moment you saw them again. However, despite all of that, they would never willingly offer you as a sacrifice to save their own skin... would they?

The Dark Of You: Sequel to What Lies BeneathWhere stories live. Discover now