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Oh geez.. Hearing Shorter's cry like that only tells me one thing, and one thing only.

I turn to my side to see bottles from right and left of me... Some broken from the glass. Some were still filled with alcohol. It was clear to me what had happened... By the way the walls were ripped up, to the additional broken T.V. across from me, to ripped up couch cushion...
A Fucking hangover.

I place the palm of my hand against my sweaty forehead, trying to hold it enough to how it aches so much... Never have I ever even had this feeling! It was worst than a migraine, for sure.

"Dude! How long have we been out?! How many people showed up?!" I kick my feet up off the couch, seeing the plastered yellow and light green colored print on my shirt which had been only one thing lead to another. Fucking V O M I T.

No way in hell was my fucking parents going to allow me to hang out with Shorter and the gang now.

I needed a plan... Carefully thought out and needed to successfully work.

"Dude, call your parents. Now." I demanded in a soft growl, grabbing my baseball red and white-colored jacket, slipping both arms through the proper holes as my messy locks of hair fell over my crystal blue orbs.
The stain was no longer visible. But the house on the other hand...

"And tell them what, dude?! We fucked up big time... Admit it. We won't ever probably see the light of an electronic again..." the purple mohawked male whined from a few distances away. I can hear him cry and whine like a puppy as I sigh.
My palm meets my face as I gently think of any plan.

The worst part was. This was a SCHOOL night! Goddammit...

I highly regret getting drunk last night. I swear...

[ flashback ]

"So~ you from Tennessee? Cause
You're the only Ten-I-See~"
Snickering, I held my palm to the locker pinning one of the most popular girls at my school at a row of blue lockers. She had worn a dark pink flannel, a black short-sleeved shirt underneath, and was wanted by all the guys at the school. She had a tight ponytail high on her head, and blonde locks, close to the same shade as mine. I look to see myself wearing converse, it must have been my breathe cause I was looking so good that day.

"We have a date or-"
Without finishing my sentence, I get a piece of yellow pale page in my face. It was most definitely a piece of a post-it note.

I take it by my fingertips and read the small printed words...
It read her number...

Not only her number, but her snap chat, Instagram, and everything else!!
Yes, yes, yes!
Was the smallest answer I ever gotten by a chick, but accepted it, holding the paper to my chest, then tightening my grip around it, shoving it in my pocket.

[End of flashback]

That's right...
I groan, feeling absolutely stupid now more than ever.
"Dude I-" I try to come up with something to say. But nothing would spill. I groan again, growling loud even.

"We need to go to school- now. Call your parents to come to pick us up."

I turn to shorter not realizing what he was even wearing...
No pants, his boxers and some shirt with stains everywhere on it. It was as disgusting as my shirt, but I didn't dare to ask what in the world happened to him.

Before acknowledging anything else, I kick dash in a flash and charge to my room.
Not less than seconds later, I allow my whole dirt filled socks to rub against the carpet stairs some as I'm able to finally turn to make it to the entrance.
The white door stood tall as I ran my way over and caught a glimpse at the handle, wrapping my fingers around it, regretfully, hearing the click as it slowly turns to open it's self up.

Hoping to not find anyone inside, my eyes scan the room, as I take my small steps inside, reaching to hopefully find my way in and out in a zap.

Squeezing my eyes even tighter, I look to turn to my bed... What did I see? Nothing yet. But I was still scared to find anything.
In times like these, there could be anything in your room.
A total stranger under the bed, the smell of pot or any drug, and the most awful...
a corpse.

I rest my shoulders, finding my hair to covering my eyes again, as I click open my closet, seeing my wardrobe in perfect condition. That's good...

I swear, if anything were to happen to those clothes, I would be in trouble. No doubt about it. Someone would have gotten killed. And it definitely wouldn't have been me.

As I scurry around, the objects in my room seemed to be something like any old typical teenagers. You got my black ass radio at the edge of my night stand, adding to that being old coffee rings that's been there for god only knows how long. Along with that being my black sheets and pillow cases on my bed. Black as night. Not in the gothic way, of course. That was just my teenage aesthetic. Seems stereo typical, I know.
With that, came the many pairs of shoes I kept at the edge of my bed. All of them together in a line, some strings were still kinda rough looking, but - I could still walk in them which mattered.
On my walls, were a couple rock and roll bands I grew up with... Sometimes hearing them on my radio over the sounds of parents was all that brought me to find peace with myself. It was pretty relaxing...

Finally, I find a good enough shirt to replace the stained one. A black MCR shirt with their band name in white print. I un sleeve each arm from inside my baseball jacket.
I struggle to feel the tips of the last shirt I wore to hurry and take it off, and finally, I was able to. Throwing the puke shirt against the carpet floor, I strip off my pants, putting on comfortable blue ripped at the knee cap jeans and throw on the new shirt under my not-so-grown in-but-still-coming-in-abs.

"Shorter, I'll be down in just a minute!" I call out, knowing to be only a few rooms away from him wouldn't mean too much, right?

I rush down the stairs, to look and find my friend at the door, peeping outside with a look of utter confusion.
Wondering what's even going on down there, I rush to hurry and scatter to get a glimpse too, however, before I did I find his expression change...
From confusion to a giant goofy smile.
This is how I knew I was safe.

"They're here!" he chanted, as hurrying passed the glass bottles and up the staircase in which I just came down from.

"Wh- hey! Where are you going?!" I then call back out at him again, As it realize now that I'm at the door, and in which case if I were to open it right away, everyone would see the trash this house hold has become. And I was not about to let that happen.

"I'll be down in only a few minutes, promise!"

He calls out one last time.
Luckily dressed, I wiped the sweat off my forehead, still, that aching hangover driving me nuts... I ignore it. And taking in a deep breathe in and out.
I was only lost with my patience now. Stuck with what great memos I'll keep for this day in class.

Hopefully, they'll be useful.

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