Ash. ♡

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"Let's do it..."

I repeat myself, and snicker softly, lending out my hand for Eiji to take.

His face began to turn a soft pink, and he gently laid his palm in my own,  as they made contact, and the only thing I was able to do was meet his eyes once more.

Something seemed so... Off about him all day, However... Well, since not too long ago, it seemed everything changed...

[ (3rd person pov)  flashback ]

"Haha! Dude, that's what I was thinking!" the blonde laughed historically as he was with his best friend Shorter, both laughing it off half way drunk, and had been hanging out with a few friends that given day.

The purple haired male snickered softly, and rubbed the edge of his nose some with his finger. "Okay, Ash... Serious talk." the teenager leaned in close to the Lynx's ear drum, only to whisper softly something into it.

"What's up?" the blonde ask, raising a brow and turning to face Shorter, curious what he was soon to ask him.

"You have two options..." Shorter laughed out loud.

"Give up cigarettes for a week or drinking?" he smirked softly, only to leave the blonde speechless on the choice, he quickly groaned and narrowed his eyes, they go dull, and he huffed softly.

"Don't be so childish..." he shook his head softly, and then looked up at Shorter. "I get we got drunk that one day, but can we just forget about it? I mean, gee.. I might have gained a girlfriend..." he scratched the back of his head, rubbing his neck softly, letting out a soft snicker. "But we also gained our first hangover... One that sent us to detention - ahem--"
After hearing those words from his friend, Shorter knew this was definitely a personal attack.
"Hey! I didn't mean to be so loud anyways!" he whined, narrowing his eyes, which it was also hard to tell, but his watery ocean eyes were hidden under his shades.

"Geez..." Lynx shook his head, then paused, seeing the ravenette not too far from him.

"Oh, Shit!" Ash quickly sat up, seeing his best friend close, made him feel pretty full in the stomach, him feeling like he was about to gag out, as if already needing to barf.

"Woah, Woah, Woah- what is it?" Shorter asked him, his hand on his shoulder so he can make sure he doesn't puke already or not.

"N-nothing..." he mumbled, shaking his head as if trying to erase his thoughts, ones that only Eiji filled up with like a race in his head, one race , he just couldn't beat.

Shooter's eyes sparkled some as he noticed that it wasn't Eiji who was there, rather someone that looked a lot like the transfer student. 
He grumbled softly,  and shook his head.
"Ash... Keep yourself together, it wasn't him." he says softly, rubbing the blonde's back, as Ash still felt the sickening feeling in his stomach. 

Ash sighed softly to himself, he slowly stood up after setting down the bottle of booze in his hand, the glass hitting the table making a soft tink  sound. 

"Ash..." Shorter stood up slowly, his eyes following his best friend closely from under his shades. He then grumbled, and walked closer, following him out the door.

The blonde agressivly grabbed the doorhandle, some eyes watching them carefully,  as he almost broke the knob off from anger, squinting his eyes tightly to keep them sealed, he finally got it open, and headed straight out without batting an eye at anyone around him, not even anyTHING around,  he was stuck in his own mind for sure, like glue he had no idea how to get out, tapped to his own thoughts he tried to convince himself that are normal.

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