Chapter 1 - The Flashback

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Sarah's POV

Flashback to 6th grade

I decided to go to the bathroom today was October 3rd, the schools dance was going on and I was hanging with the boys, Lukey, Mikey, and Cal.

So I went in the bathroom, adjusted my hair and I heard someone coming. I turn around to see Luke. I was about to scream, but Luke covers my mouth... He grabs my hand, carries me and puts me against the wall. He forcefully kissed me...

Yeah whatever were 6th graders but this can happen, we know shit we ain't suppose to know until like high school. He stops and smile. And I smile back. We here someone coming. We hid in the biggest stall.

We sit there and stare at each other, "I love you Sarah..." Luke whispered. I replied back with a kiss. I guess I never notice my feelings for him until now. I knew I had a crush on him, but I'm ugly af so I didn't think he loved me back.... the person leaves. I hear calum yelling my name, I get up and go for my brother he asks where Luke was, I told him I didn't knew. Minutes later Luke comes out and grabs me by the waist, at first I'm like wtf but I smiled and Calum looked surprised, and slightly mad. I shake it off and continue the dance by hanging with these three dorks...

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