Part 3

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"Are you ready to sign the adoption papers?"

Jungkook couldn't believe it. Jieun was just gonna give this baby up just like that? Without talking to him first?

"Y-you're giving her up?" Jungkook didn't sound shocked. No. He was more angered then anything else.

"Jungkook...I...I cant take care of her, I still have a life ahead of me plus school and-"

"Save it. I don't wanna hear your excuses" No one has seen Jungkook so angry before, even though him and Jieun dated for 2 years never did she see him with so much fire in his eyes. Jungkook was beyond upset and angry that he made a choice himself.

"I'll take her myself" Jieun looked at Jungkook with wide eyes surprised by his decision.

"Jungkook you can barely take care of yourself how are you gonna take care of a baby?"

With pleading eyes Jungkook responded with "I'll figure it out...just please let me take care of her..." 

Jieuns eyes softened as she looked in the eyes of her child father before sighing.

"*sigh* ok can take care of her, but I want nothing to do with anything of this" she sternly replied back.

"Ok then it's settled. The father will be the main guardian of the child." The doctor spoke clapping his hands together "oh I'm sure you want to hold your daughter too" the doctor picked up the sleeping baby girl slowly handing her over to her father.

Jungkook looked at the little human in his arms with great attention and tears threatening to fall out.

"Hi's me...your daddy" as Jungkook spoke the little girl opened her eyes glued to the figure holding her.

"So what are you gonna name her?" A nurse spoke walking into the room.

"Y/n...her name is Y/n"  He answered firmly keeping his eyes on his very own creation.

The nurse smiled brightly at the sight. "That's a very beautiful name."

The baby suddenly started smiling matching a similar bunny smile to her fathers and giggling like she was telling him she loved the name.

Jungkook chuckled and lifted her head up so he could kiss her little forehead.

"I'll always protect you my princess..."


I'm sorry if my stories are always short but I'm glad that there are people reading them and I'll continue the series.

Thank you so much 💕-Author M

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