Part 11

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The car ride back to the apartment was really quiet. Usually y/n would be non stop talking about her day at school, singing a song, or just laughing with her father but right now was dead silence.

Jungkook did try to lighten up the mood a bit but all he got were short responses or little hums here and there. Eventually they arrived back at the apartment and y/n was the first to get out immediately grabbing her bag running up to the door.

"Y/n come ride the elevator with me-" Jungkook chimes knowing ever since y/n was a baby the way to calm her down was the elevator. Strange habit but it worked.

"No thanks dad I'm taking the stairs" with that Jungkook could hear her footsteps running up making him sigh in defeat.

After opening the door seeing that it was unlocked from y/n getting there before him. Silent cried could be heard from down the hall making Jungkook walk slowly to see that it was y/ns room slightly opening the door, making his heart break.

"Why didn't you just tell me the truth dad..." Jungkook froze at his daughters sudden statement.

"What are you talking about baby?" Wrapping his strong arms around his little girl she instantly relaxed letting the big strong arms of her father engulf her.

"'s nothing..." y/n got up slowly before walking out her bedroom to somewhere Jungkook isn't.

Sighing in defeat Jungkook put his face into his hands stressed out. Today was suppose to be the best day ever but because of some stupid reason y/n is distancing herself and Jungkook can't seem to figure out what had happened the time she was in the bathroom. Maybe she had her period he thought, no she had that last week. Endless possibilities seemed impossible.

Walking out to the kitchen Jungkook looked up to see his little girl quietly humming to herself while trying to cook. Slowly Jungkook walked up poking the girls side making her jump almost hitting Jungkook in the head with the spatula.

"Dad you know I hate it when you sneak up on me" a little pout displayed on her face.

"I'm sorry my baby" Jungkook chuckled hugging her tight before giving a small peck to her head.

"Dad...I was wondering if tomorrow I could hang out with Hoseok" y/n could feel her straighten up immediately being that he still had his arms around her.

Letting out a huge sigh Jungkook finally said yes but on some conditions that she had to be home around 7:30 or it would mean big trouble for the both of them. Jumping up and down y/n kissed her dad on the cheek before running to the dining table to set up for dinner.

As the two were happily eating and Jungkook making weird faces with his food they were interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Maybe its uncle jinnie" Jungkook slowly got up unlocking the door to see a familiar woman standing there with another man.

"We're here to see our granddaughter."

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