Part 23

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There stood a pale boy with a thumbing heart watching the love of his life exchange a kiss and words to whom we thought was his best friend.

Turning around before they could notice Yoongi slammed the library doors open pushing everyone that was in his way through the hallway of the school. Soon the bell ran  for lunch to end but Yoongi didn't go to his next class instead he made a b-line straight for the school door leaving everything behind.

Y/n fidgeted in her seat for the remainder of the day upset as to why Yoongi left without telling her.

Finally it was the end of the day and Y/n stood outside waiting for Yoongi as they usually did walk home together but her never showed up. A sigh of defeat leaving her lips she decided to head home on her own.

Walking through the park taking a short cut Y/n noticed a familiar figure sitting on a park bench alone.

"Yoongi?" Y/n mumbled making the boy with these stained cheeks turn and look at her.

Not saying a word Yoongi patted the spot beside him indicating for her to sit down.

"Why didn't you just tell me in the first place Y/n? I saw you and Hoseok exchange those words to each other," Yoongi said with his voice cracking trying not to let tears fall once again.

"Yoongi...I...I don't know what to say I don't deserve you and it's true i'm not going to lie to you that I do love Hoseok it's just you are my best friend and I can't lose you like that" Y/n explained with tears now coming out of her eyes.

Yoongi slowly held Y/n's hand before looking back up at her with a smile, "Your happiness is my happiness Y/n, and if Hoseok is the creator of that I promise I won't ever take that away from you."

"You are my happiness too Yoongi," Y/n replied hugging Yoongi tightly.

Yoongi gave a gummy smile into the hug and whispered, "I love you best friend..."

I'm sorry if this chapter is really short i've had this in my drafts for forever and i just wanted to share it. I hope you enjoyed and I promise to write longer chapters 💕

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