Part 10

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"What are you doing here?" Jungkook had fire in his eyes. No one in his entire life has even seen him like this and it definitely intimidating the woman stood in front of him in the hallway.

"I-I'm here with my son...Suho..." now Jungkook was shaking furiously with anger.

"Jieun you decided to have another child after giving up me aND Y/N?!" Tears were welding up in Jieuns eyes showing how guilty she felt.

"I-I know I left you guys it's just I felt so so guilty that I left you both that I wanted a second chance and this was the only way I thought I could get it" Jungkook's eyes did not soften one bit and Jieun could see that.

"The fact that you thought that THIS was your second chance is pathetic, if you would've came back to me sooner and stayed in our lives I would've gave you that chance but the hatred and anger that I get now that I see your face disgusts me. Do you now how much y/n misses her mom? Oh yeah you wouldn't cause you were never even there. I had to LIE lie to my own daughter about her mother dying when giving birth to her made me feel so much worse, and if she even glances at you and asks questions I will not hesitate to do something worst than what you did to us."

With that Jungkook left leaving the poor woman stand there sliding down the wall silently crying into her hands. Jungkook was walking back to the classroom before his soften hearing a girl's angelic laughter erupt in the hallway making him turn to see his daughter with a boy on each side of her. Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi, the three of them had a smile and laughter that fit them perfectly, the three have also been inseparable since kindergarten still having a competition between the two boys.

Jungkook was glad that y/n got most of his features rather than her mother's but a little part of him was somewhat happy that she got her beauty but another part was also terrified of it.

"Hey dad" y/n immediately ran into her fathers arm making Jungkook hold her tighter before looking up at the two boys.

"Hello Mr. Jeon" the two boys bowed but didn't miss Jungkook glare while holding his daughter.

"Hello boys" Yoongi and Hoseok gulped while staring at the tall man.

"Hey dad" a muffled voice talked making Jungkook look down.

"Yes princess?"

"I can't breathe"

"Oh sorry" Jungkook immediately let go making y/n straighten out her school uniform before turning back to the boys.

"I have to go to the restroom I'll be right back" y/n immediately ran off making the two boys and her father stand there awkwardly before Hoseok tried to make conversation but got immediately shut down by Jungkook.

*Y/N POV* (wowoeoeow)

Gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee

Those thoughts were running a million miles an hour before rushing to the restroom. I quickly found a stall and did my business before walking to the sink to wash my hands when suddenly Mrs. Jieun walked in.

"Y/n..." I turned my head to the older lady who looked to be around my dads age.

"Uh yeah? Mrs. Jieun are you alright?" To be honest I was kind of scared right now. Mrs. Jieun had blood shot eyes kind of like she's been crying for a while seeing them closer to my face as she walked closer.

"Y/" Jieun moved closer to me touching my cheek. uhhhh wtf???

Where's dad...
I need him...

"Y/n your mother didn't die while giving birth..." I stood dumbfounded to what she meant. My mom isn't dead? I mean it makes sense because my dad would never take me to her grave but...where is she then?

"Cause I'm your mom baby..."


She's lying.

Please tell me she's lying.

"I-I need to go" I ran out as fast as could you find my dad and ask questions. How could she be my mom? Now it all makes sense. The way me and suho look oddly like siblings, when she would pick him up the long stares at me and dad, just everything.

*Author POV*

Jungkook stood rocking back and forth on his heels waiting for his daughter to come back to the cafeteria.

"What's taking her so long? Maybe she started her period..." Jungkook was starting to get impatient checking his watch every second to finally see his daughter speed walking towards him with tears gleaming in her eyes.

"I want to go home" Jungkook flinched at the stern tone in her voice before regaining his posture.

"But baby you have more classes to get through," crouching down to her height he placed both hands on her cheeks wiping away the tiny tears.

"Please" Jungkook's heart cracked just like y/ns small voice pleading to her dad.

"Let's go Princess,"

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