Part 28

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A few months later

Jungkook has been crying since 7:00 am knowing today was the day that his little princess is graduated from high school and is now moving into college.

"Dad please stop crying we're running out of tissues" Y/n looked at her father worried about his state.

"I know it's just...*sniff* you're leaving me and *sniff* might be getting married to that THING over there someday" Jungkook said pointing and glaring at Hoseok.

"Mr. Jeon I thought we were on good terms" Hoseok put his hands up defensively.

"We'll be on good terms when I shove my foot up-"

"OKAY OKAY DAD. Hoseok is not a THING he is my BOYFRIEND and you and his dad are best friends so I don't see a problem," Y/n glared at Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't reply but instead pouted and stomped his way towards his bedroom.

"He's acting more like a teenager than us"

Y/n just shrugged and replied, "he's a big baby himself. He will get over it when I bring him is banana milk"

Hoseok then wrapped his arms around Y/ns waist and kissed the top of her forehead, "Yanno I wouldn't mind getting married after college. We're both only going to be there for two years so it won't be long."

"NOPE YOU AREN'T GETTING MARRIED UNTIL YOU ARE BOTH 90!" Hoseok jumped at the sound of Jungkook booming voice who his standing at hallway with his arms crossed.

Y/n just rolled her eyes before walking away, "whatever dad I'm going to finish up packing my room"

Now Jungkook and Hoseok were just awkwardly standing there not saying a word to each other.

"A-actually Mr. Jeon I do have a question to ask you...." Hoseok spoke up.


Y/n and Hoseok were both nearing the end of their first year of college and both of them not seeing each other for a long time was really putting them both through a struggle.

"You don't get it Yoongi he hasn't messaged me ALL DAY and I'm worried sick" Y/n layed on her best friends bed tears on the brink of falling.

Yoongi sighed pulling her into a hug, "Don't worry Y/n maybe he's finishing up his finals so he can see you sooner and not till the end of the week."

"I don't know Yoongs every time I ask to see him he gets nervous and hangs up and when I call my dad he does the exact same thing."

Yoongi just laughed at Y/ns behavior before briefly standing up and walking towards the door, "come on let's go to the park."

While walking towards the park Yoongi kept giving short answers to every Y/ns questions. It would either be a "hmm" "yeah" or "I don't know"

Finally arriving Y/n saw a man standing at the end of the trail with a very nice suit on.

"Dad what are you doing here in a suit?" Y/n asked making her way towards Jungkook who clearly had tears in his eyes.

"I just...I'm so proud of you Y/n..." Now Y/n started to cry again.

"I'm here sweety because I am no longer going to be the only man you will depend on," Jungkook inhaled taking a deep breath, "I love you so much princess I will never forget the day you came into this world I never felt happier. When you took your first steps towards me and when you said 'dada' I always knew that someday I'll have to maybe send you to another man. But time flies by too fast and that day may come sooner then I thought." Jungkook finished making Y/n continue to cry and look confuse.

"Dad what are you-"

"Turn around princess" Y/n turned around confused and the gasped seeing Hoseok also in a suit down on one knee in front of her.

"Y/n...My beautiful girlfriend...I have been ignoring you for this whole day just for this moment so I wouldn't mess it up and I'm sorry but I can't wait another moment to ask you this and we can wait until next year when we are both done with college, so Jeon Y/n," Hoseok pulled the ring box out of his pocket while he was still down in one knee, "Will you marry me?"

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