A Rainy Confession

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Between Sarah (Starfreeze) and Orion (Optimus) in T-Night's:

Just One Day.


Sarah walked down the street, a little dejectedly. She'd been hoping Orion was free tonight in his office, but the place had been relatively dark when she'd walked in, and she'd been told by the desk attendant that all of the officers were in a meeting, and probably would be for the next several hours.

So much for last night, Sarah thought dully. She remembered back to the stage, the world, seemingly plunged into a slow-motion video, as she looked at Orion, who had rushed up on the stage during the middle of her performance, only to sing a love song, - to her, - and not only that, but then encourage the entire theater and even the musicians to join him, basically ruining her concert. She still hadn't decided whether she was mad about that or not.

Orion loved her. It wasn't the first time he'd told her that. He'd said it several times before. On their dates. When they met in his office. When he saw her at her own job.

And when he'd kissed her. Sarah often lapsed into daydreams and trances when she thought of it. Her first kiss. It hadn't been like anything she'd ever imagined.

And she had thought about it a lot.

Someone had once told her, that you only get your first kiss once, and as such, you should make it count. Sarah had mulled over a hundred times: If I only get one, what if it happens with the wrong person? Will it be ruined? What if your first kiss becomes your destined partner, and then you end up kissing some... Frog!?

She had wanted it to be the right person. So even on dates she'd been on before, with other boys she found nice, and cute, she had always chickened out of kissing them, for the fear she would destroy her own experience. Dodging out of the way of men who were too eager. Giving signs back to others who were also giving them.

But when Orion had asked, putting her feelings and standards before his own, not giving slight hints, or acting brash, but simply asking in that calm soothing voice he had...

Sarah stopped walking, closing her eyes and lifting her face towards the overcast sky, feeling the breath of the wind brush her cheeks, flowing through her long brown hair.

She hadn't been able to turn him down. At first, she had felt like she'd needed to, but looking into his bright blue eyes, she had seen her same thoughts and fears reflected in their depths. It had made her feel safer, and she found herself falling into his eyes, and his arms, trusting him like she'd only ever trusted herself.

And maybe Sky.
But maybe not.

She stole the last chocolate kiss from her cupboard.

Either way, Sarah didn't regret it. It had just... felt right. But now, walking away from his office at nine pm, after he'd promised to see her again today, she was beginning to doubt the trust. Not the kiss, but the trust she'd felt towards Orion that night. That maybe, after all they'd been doing, that he might be more than every other boy who, - nice as they had seemed, - were only attuned to Sarah's looks, and not necessarily who she was as a person.

And moreover, she wasn't sure if she reflected the same feelings Orion professed to have for her.

He said, he loved her.

But did she love him?

Sarah opened her eyes, and looked ahead, slowly coming back to the real world. A few fat drops of water fell on her face and arms, quickly soaking the concrete beneath her, and, - more slowly, - her clothes. She began walking again, a little faster, knowing she should get home. Being out in the dark and the rain, was the perfect time to get mugged.

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