2-A Bloody Mary for a bloody murder

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One foot and the twins would be out of the bar. Before they could take that one step, one of the guards came running out of the back screaming, catching the attention of the three in the bar. The screams were soon cut short when a blur sped from the door to the guard as the twins stared in fear at seeing The Pig as the hidden blade went through from the back of the neck to the front as blood fell from the mouth of the goon. The Pig soon took her blade out of the throat and watched as the man choked on his blood before looking up to the three in the bar. Melanie immediately rushes forward preparing to deliver a kick before someone's shoulder bashes her to the floor.

She crashed into one of the chairs and, trying to get up, uses the table as support but she feels something strange.  She looks to see wrapped feet on the table before the terrified eyes of the girl look further up to see The Nurse with a slight tilt to her head.  Melanie quickly skitters away and bumps into her sister who has her claws at the ready.  Looking over Miltia’s shoulder she sees the unknown killer with their hunting knife out as The Pig wipes the blood off her blade and onto her sleeve.

Junior is cowering under the bar and sees a pair of black shoes drifting past on the floor with small strands of fabric drifting through the air. Ghostface has arrived at the party.  Junior looks for the silent alarm and sees it; on the other side of him on one of the shelving units that hold the liquor. He cursed himself for being an idiot with the alarm system and hoped Ghostface would leave soon so he could ring the alarm and get the cops here.

With the twins seeing all four killers in the same room, they knew they were going to die. Ghostface simply stood behind the bar as an observer. The Pig backed away and the two remaining killers remained where they stood. Before anyone could say anything the nurse rushed forward and grabs Melanie by the neck, distracting Militia long enough for the unknown killer to tackle her knocking the claws off of her wrists.

Melanie looked in fear as the nurse raised her bone saw and brought it to her left knee where she put the blade on the skin before beginning to saw into the flesh as Melanie felt the teeth of the blade rip into her flesh and carve through her bones. Blood flowed like a river as The Nurse kept moving the saw back and forth into the knee of Melanie as she finally cut it all off and with a slight tug tore it away from the poor girl who screamed in absolute pain. The Nurse brought the blade towards the other knee and began once again to saw into the flesh of the victim. Blood flowed onto the floor, creating a puddle as the screams continued.

Halfway done The Nurse stopped and took her bone saw out of the cut she had made. Melanie looked up with confusion, albeit with difficulty from all the blood she lost. The Nurse puts down her blade and grabbed one side of the cut while the other hand did the same on the opposite side. She pushed her fingers in slightly causing Melanie to whimper in pain before the killer began to push at both sides of the cut forcefully ripping the leg off as the bone began to crack a splinter. Screams of bloody murder came from the poor girl before the leg comes off at last and falls a couple of feet away. The Nurse wraps her hands around the throat of her victim and begins to squeeze tighter and tighter until with two pops and a crack the poor girl’s eyes popped out of their socket and neck snaps.

Miltia was forced to watch as her sister was murdered before the killer flips her around and brings their knife up and plunges it into the top of the girl's torso and begins to bring the blade down, opening up her chest.  Once at the hip, the killer took her knife out and put their hands under the split torso and forced it to be opened wider as Miltia screamed.  Once the tear was open enough the killer reached in and began to rip out the organs, blood pooling around the corpse as the hands of the killer became drenched in blood.  The heart is grabbed and pulled out before being tossed aside, sliding across the floor before stopping at the steps out of the bar.  The poor girl dead, the killer stands up breathing heavily as she brought up her foot and crushed the head like a pumpkin. Bits of brain flew all around and the caved-in skull showed the eyes made into a paste.

Ghostface reached under the bar and grabbed Junior by the collar and lift him up  throwing him over the bar as the others watched.  Ghostface walked around the bar, lazily twirling his knife as he came closer and closer to Junior. Junior began to stand up before feeling a knife go into his back and dragged down his spine as he fell while blood leaked out.  Ghostface stabbed the knife into Junior’s back again as the man screamed out in pain.  Taking out a scroll from his trenchcoat Ghostface grabbed the back of Junior’s head and, lifting it up, took a picture before throwing the head down and putting the device on the bar.  Taking the knife out of the back of the victim, Ghostface slit the back of Junior’s throat and began to walk to the door.

The unknown killer dipped her hand into the pool of blood and made a smiley face on one of the walls and writes the phrase ‘Smile’ before following the rest of her allies. Stepping on top of the heart along the way, crushing it into bits.  The killers all left the massacre behind them with now all of them being named.  Ghostface, The Pig, The Nurse, and The Smile.

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