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Two days passed since the disappearance of five experienced hunters and Ozpin was beginning to freak out. Especially since Amber, the current Fall Maiden, had somehow vanished from her pod. Before he could call Qrow the screen of his computer blared to life showing the face of Ghostface.

Ghostface: Is it on? Oh, I see the red light-- Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the show of the century!  Today you shall see a sight that shall confound your wildest nightmares and show that the devil walks among you! Now, I shall pass the mic to my good friend The Pig!

Ghostface spoke as if he was doing some sort of gameshow and then stepped offscreen and Pig came into view with a pep in her step.

Pig: What you are about to see are pieces of art created by me! Let us see the stars!

A light turns on to show Oobleck with chains attached to his wrist but free and able to move.

Pig: Doctor Oobleck, a teacher at Beacon  Academy! He is attached to two chains that, when the timer hits zero, shall pull him into a heated experience! If he wishes to live he must attach these two hooks to him and then connect those two cables!

Another light turns on to show Port chained between two pillars with a breathing mask over his face and two compressors on both sides of him.

Pig: Professor Port, another teacher at Beacon Academy! The more he breathes the tighter it gets!

Once again another light comes on and Peach is shown with a string coming out of her mouth with four spikes in a ring surrounding her, pointing at her neck a few inches away.

Pig: Professor Peach, yet ANOTHER teacher from Beacon Academy! She has to fish out a key that has been placed inside her but she’s going to need to be quiet or these spikes will silence her for good!

Again, a light turns on and Ironwood is shown with a collar around his neck and a spike poised right beneath his jaw.

Pig: General Ironwood here needs to find the key to this collar, or else panic won't be the only thing going through his mind! There are clues around the room for him to learn the location of what he needs to find!

One more light reveals Glynda with a contraption lodged into her chest and a lock under her neck with a strange liquid in a jar.

Pig: Glynda Goodwitch, dean of Beacon Academy! The contraption is lodged into her ribs, the key will soon be dropped into a jar of acid and in two minutes it will be completely useless unless she sticks her hand in!

With that final word, Pig went to a door and slams it as a timer above it begins to count down.  Port began to breathe slowly while Oobleck put the hooks into his chest and began to pull himself up. Ironwood was running around the room looking for the clues while Peach tried to get the key out of her but screamed slightly in pain and the spikes began to close in. The key drops into the jar of acid and Glynda immediately puts her hand into it to try and fish it out, but she screams in pain as her flesh begins to melt off.

The machine began to push into Port and his breath quickened causing it to close in more.  Oobleck was halfway up to the cables he had to connect when his flesh started to tear.  Peach kept trying to pull the key out and kept screaming in pain causing the spikes to close in centimeter by centimeter. Ironwood had found a book and was skimming through it looking for a possible answer to where the key he needs to find is.  Glynda was still trying to get the key but the tips of her fingers had melted away to the bone as skin no longer clung to the hand.

The pain Port felt was too great and as he took in a deep gasp of air his lower torso was crushed to little bits as it splattered all over the ground and his legs fell while his upper torso hung from the chains.  The flesh that the hooks clung to tore off and Oobleck fell to the ground as he groaned in pain. Peach nearly had the key out but she screamed too much and the spikes pierced her throat as she choked on her blood while four small waterfalls of the crimson liquid fell from the holes left behind by the spikes. Ironwood saw that the key was the same key Glynda needed to use and he rushed over to her to use it but Glynda couldn’t grab the key.

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